have better schools in bad communities

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have better schools in bad communities by Mind Map: have better schools in bad communities

1. education

1.1. follow other counties

1.1.1. better supplies better ways to introduce education

1.2. which is the best way to teach these students

2. teachers

2.1. better trained

2.1.1. experienced with the area patience with the behaiver

2.2. why do teachers don't like working in those area

3. security

3.1. stop violence difference between students

3.1.1. feel saftey around the security more security

4. money

4.1. more donations

4.1.1. fundraisers help students with not enough money

4.2. how can we help the less fortunate schools

5. better programs

5.1. sports

5.1.1. after school activity homework help center

5.2. we need more after  school activities

6. rules

6.1. strict rules on students

6.1.1. uniforms/use specific colors harder punishments