Scientific Inquiry

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Scientific Inquiry by Mind Map: Scientific Inquiry

1. skills for doing experiments

1.1. posing questions

1.1.1. why, what, where, which,when,how

1.2. observing

1.2.1. collect info about the world

1.2.2. require the use of 5 senses limited unreliable subjective

1.2.3. followed by patterns searching

1.3. measuring

1.3.1. length, temperature, time, mass, weight, volume, pH, current, voltage

1.4. communicating

1.4.1. modes : talking, listening, and wrting

1.4.2. purposes : share ideas, learn from others, build on others' ideas

1.4.3. ways : writing sentences, drawing diagrams, using tables, graphs or charts, keep diary, journal or logbook, tapes and photographs

1.5. inferring

1.5.1. predicting

1.5.2. drawing conclusions

1.5.3. hypothesizing

1.6. making models

1.7. formulating and testing hypotheses

1.8. classifying and sequencing

1.9. defining, controlling and manipulating variable in experimentation

1.10. interpreting, analysing and evaluating data

2. Attitudes

2.1. curiosity

2.2. open-mindedness

2.3. humility

2.4. creativity

2.5. objectivity

2.6. integrity

2.7. perseverance

2.8. responsibility

3. scientific misconduct

3.1. fabrication

3.2. plagiarism

3.3. violation of ethical standards

4. Methods of finding out new knowledge

4.1. read books

4.2. conduct experiments

4.3. observe phenomenon in everyday life

4.4. surf the internet

4.5. check with friends or experts

5. use of skills

5.1. to carry out complex tasks

5.1.1. plan and carry out investigations

5.1.2. formulating and testing hypotheses

5.1.3. creative problem solving

5.1.4. using charts and graphs

5.2. to get products of science

5.2.1. laws

5.2.2. theories

6. Science Processes

6.1. Planning and carrying out scientific investigations

6.1.1. Purpose

6.1.2. Think about how to do the experiment Decide what apparatus to use Decide what observations/ measurements to make dependent variable (variable that is measured) independent variable (variable that is to be changed) Make the experiment a fair test all other variables remain unchanged control variable (variable that is kept constant)

6.2. Creative problem solving

6.3. Using charts and graphs