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Family by Mind Map: Family

1. My sister

1.1. I dont speak to her

1.2. She's not a good person

1.3. She's made ALOT of mistakes

2. My brothers

2.1. I have 2

2.2. Gunner is the youngest which is 7

2.3. Trever is the oldest which is 18

2.4. They are my half brother

2.5. I dont really get to see them

3. i also have a kitten named Mr. pickles

4. My mom

4.1. She is my best friend

4.2. I can tell her absoultly everything

4.3. She drives me crazy sometimes

4.4. I love her to the moom and back 1000 times.

4.5. Shes 38

4.6. I live with her and my nephew

5. My nephew

5.1. He's 2 years old

5.2. He's every spoilded

5.3. I was there in the room when he was born

5.4. Hes a brat

5.5. i love him so much!

5.6. He makes me laugh and smile all of the time

5.7. He lives with me and my mom

5.8. My mom had custody of him