Putting Verbs in PAST tense! (Informal, and formal!)

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Putting Verbs in PAST tense! (Informal, and formal!) by Mind Map: Putting Verbs in PAST tense! (Informal, and formal!)

1. To put a verb in past tense, the first step is to get the verb STEM.

1.1. Removing 다

2. Before you learn this, you need to know something important. Korean grammar is based on adding things directly to verbs or adjectives to have a specific meaning.

3. Place it into BASIC Form

3.1. 아/어/여

4. Add ㅆ to the bottom of the BASIC form then add 어. To make it formal, add 요.

5. For sentences containing 이다, (to be) it's a little more complicated!

6. If the word before 이다 HAS an ending consonant, then you'd use 이었어요 Remove 요 to make it informal.

6.1. EX: 학생 (student)  Ends in a consonant  So you use 이었어요.

6.2. 학생이었어요. I was a student.

7. If the word before 이다 has an ending VOWEL, then you'd use 였어요 Remove 요 to make it informal.

7.1. EX:  언제 (When) Ends in a vowel So you use 였어요?

7.2. 언제였어요?  When was it?