Social Anxiety

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Social Anxiety by Mind Map: Social Anxiety

1. How common is it?

1.1. More people are effected than you think

2. Triggers

2.1. Awkward Situations

2.1.1. Going on a date Starting a conversation Talking to people you don't know Attending a party Being interviewed for a job  eye contact

2.2. Perfromance situations

2.2.1. Public speaking Reading in front of others Voicing an opinion during a class or meeting

3. Are certain cases more severe than others?

4. What causes it?

4.1. Our genes

4.1.1. Social phobia and anxiety diorders can be inherited from parents so if your parents have one, you most likely will also have a chance.

4.2. Our Brains

4.2.1. If you have social anxiety there are actually parts of your brain that are more active than a brain that doesnt have it.

4.3. LIfe expieriances

4.3.1. Experiences in our life, and our reactions to them, can also contribute to the development of Social Phobia and anxiety. This can also change the way we think about oursleves therefore leading to more social anxiety.

5. Why do we get it?

5.1. LIke it says above sometimes you can't really even control it.

6. Treatment and Cures

6.1. Medication

6.2. Therapy

6.3. Social Skills Training

6.4. Pyschoeducation