Wildlife Hunting Prevention

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Wildlife Hunting Prevention by Mind Map: Wildlife Hunting Prevention

1. Environmental damage

1.1. biosphere

1.1.1. decrease in animal population can affect everything around it ex. plants and humans

1.2. HIbernation

1.2.1. killing one in a herd of animals can throw off the whole process and cause animals to not hibernate and die off

1.2.2. Hunting disrupts animal behavior and lifestyle

1.3. Hunting campsites

1.3.1. Camp fires let off CO2 and makes the air toxic for animals to breath in

1.3.2. Litter left at campsites can be consumed by animals possibly killing them

2. Fur/ivory trade

2.1. many are motivated to hunt due to the high selling price of things you can only get from animals

2.2. Innocent animals that aren't meant for consumption are being slaughtered simply for personal gain or for amusement

3. Animal Rights

3.1. Why arent more laws being enforced to save animals. Animals have the same right to live as humans do