Is Football a safe sport to play?

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Is Football a safe sport to play? by Mind Map: Is Football a safe sport to play?

1. Who to interview?

1.1. Chis Krunkel (Athletic Trainer)

2. Most severe injuries

2.1. The longer you player football, it's more than likely that you can get arthritis, broken bones, and major joint pains.

3. Safety rules

3.1. Helmet to helmet results in a penalty flag thrown due to this being extremely dangerous to do because it can cause severe head injuries.

3.2. Encroachment penalty flag, basically saying that you cannot touch a player until the play starts.

3.3. Unsportman-like conduct, basically saying that you cannot hurt or say explicit things to another player on the opposing team. Sometimes you may get away with it if you are not near a ref, but most of the time they will catch you a penalize you for it.