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1. common concepts of cirriculum

1.1. scope and sequence

1.2. syllabus ,course of study

1.3. content outline

1.4. standards

1.5. text books , planned experiences

2. CIRRICULUM -planned learning experiences that the educational institution intends to provide for its learners  -N S Gwele

3. interactive linear model

3.1. target group

3.2. context of training

3.3. form outcomes

3.3.1. Included

3.3.2. Included

3.3.3. Excluded

4. views of cicciculum

4.1. conservative - essentialism

4.1.1. Project specifications

4.1.2. End User requirements

4.1.3. Action points sign-off

4.2. progressive view - experimentalism

4.2.1. Define actions as necessary

4.3. radical -reconstrucionism

5. 4 types of cirriculum

5.1. explicit

5.2. implicit

5.3. null

5.4. extra curricular programmes

6. modern cirriculum

6.1. student centered activities and experiences

6.1.1. Materials

6.1.2. Personel

6.1.3. Services

6.1.4. Duration

6.2. community centered cirriculum

6.3. problem -orientated cirriculum

7. 3  types of curriculum approaches

7.1. curriculum as a product

7.1.1. Dependencies

7.1.2. Milestones

7.2. curriculum as a process

7.2.1. Schedule

7.2.2. Budget

7.3. curriculum as praxis

7.3.1. KPI's