Does music have positive affects on your health?

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Does music have positive affects on your health? by Mind Map: Does music have positive affects on your health?

1. Problem solving

1.1. Help school or home issues

1.2. Help interactions

1.3. Better solution

2. Benefits

2.1. Relax

2.2. Health

2.3. Problem solver

2.4. Antidepressant

2.5. Social

3. Cons

3.1. Produce laziness

3.2. Break away from the world

4. Antidepressant

4.1. Studies show the help for depression through music

4.2. Relaxation

5. Relaxation

5.1. Soothing

5.2. Headache relief

6. Social

6.1. Our society now revolves around music

6.2. Social dependency

6.3. Social independence