Domestic Violence/ Relationship abuse

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Domestic Violence/ Relationship abuse by Mind Map: Domestic Violence/ Relationship abuse

1. Physical

2. Which relationship is the victim more willing to stay in

3. Looking or acting in a way that puts you in fear

4. Threatening to harm you or children

5. Destroying property

6. Sudden rage

7. Intimidating you with guns knives or other weapons

8. Sexual abuse

9. pulling hair, punching, slapping or kicking

10. prevention from police or medical atention

11. prevention from eating or sleeping

12. forcing to dress in a sexual way

13. calling sexually insulting names

14. forcing or manipulating into sex

15. holding you down during sex

16. demanding sex when you are sick tired or hurt

17. hurting you

18. involving other people against your will

19. forcing you to watch pornography

20. making you feel like you owe thaem

21. forcing drugs an alcohol on you

22. trying to normalize their actions

23. sabotaging birth control methods

24. forcing pregnancy

25. forcing or preventing an abortion

26. Emotional

27. How long has the relationship been

28. Controlling or possessive behavior

29. Cant do anything right

30. Jealousy

31. Insulting

32. calling you names

33. refusing to trust you

34. isolating you

35. humiliating

36. blaming you

37. cheating

38. purposely trying to pass you a sexually transmitted disease

39. refusing to use a condom or other forms of birth control

40. denying access to money

41. using your or your children's savings against your will

42. puts you on strict budget of your own money

43. puts your money in their bank account so they have control

44. taking tax returns

45. sends you explicit photos and demands you send them in return

46. cant talk to family or friends

47. steals or demands you give them your passwords

48. goes through private life or phone

49. puts you down on social media