Drug Addiction

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Drug Addiction by Mind Map: Drug Addiction

1. Crack Cocaine

1.1. Symptoms include Lung damage.

1.2. Respiratory problems.

1.3. Increased blood pressure.

1.4. Tachycardia or racing heart beat.

1.5. Onset of psychotic symptoms.

2. Powder Cocaine

2.1. Symptoms include Feelings of restlessness.

2.2. Irritability and anxiety.

2.3. Panic.

2.4. Paranoia.

3. Prescription Drugs

3.1. Symptoms include  Increased or decreased need for sleep.

3.2. Appearing unusually energetic, or overly fatigued.

3.3. Increased or decreased appetite.

3.4. Various physical symptoms such as nausea, headache, or dizziness.

3.5. Drug is taken to prevent withdrawal symptoms.

3.6. Tolerance.

4. Chronic disease

4.1. Drug addiction is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive, or uncontrollable, drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences and changes in the brain, which can be long lasting. These changes in the brain can lead to the harmful behaviors seen in people who use drugs.

5. Heroin

5.1. "downer effect"

5.2. Signs during or shortly after use thats noticable includes  Shortness of breath

5.3. Dry mouth

5.4. Constricted (small) pupils

5.5. Sudden changes in behavior or actions

5.6. Disorientation

5.7. Cycles of hyper alertness followed by suddenly nodding off

5.8. Droopy appearance, as if extremities are heavy

6. Methamphetamine

6.1. Symptoms include increased attention and decreased fatigue.

6.2. increased activity and wakefulness.

6.3. increased talkativeness.

6.4. decreased appetite.

6.5. euphoria and experiencing a rush.

6.6. increased respiration.

6.7. rapid/irregular heartbeat.

6.8. hyperthermia.