Internet Savvy - what we're doing this term

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Internet Savvy - what we're doing this term by Mind Map: Internet Savvy - what we're doing this term

1. Researching how students use the net

1.1. Using Google Forms

1.2. Or using

2. Benefits and Hazards

2.1. What's good about the Internet?

2.2. But what's not so good?

3. Making a website

3.1. Use to keep track of what you're doing

3.2. Use to collaborate

3.2.1. INS to insert (Windows)

3.2.2. TAB to insert (Mac OS)

3.2.3. ENTER to add siblings

3.2.4. DEL to delete

3.2.5. All key shortcuts

3.3. Might help you present your ideas to others

4. And presenting this to a Year 7 Tallislab class!

4.1. Check out

5. Designing an Internet Safety product