Wellness: Wellness the state of well being or balanced health for a period.

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Wellness: Wellness the state of well being or balanced health for a period. by Mind Map: Wellness: Wellness the state of well being or balanced health for a period.

1. Physical Wellness: The body's ability to function.

1.1. Exercise: Running, jumping, games, sports, skipping, and jogging.

1.2. Nutrition: Healthy eating, 5 food groups, very little dessert.

1.3. Stretching: Strength, speed and perseverance.

1.4. Sleep: 9-11 hours

2. Social Wellness: The way we react to other people in our community.

2.1. Friends: Talking to friends, connected with people , learning to have quality conversations.

2.2. Family: Spending quality

3. Mental Wellness: How we think, feel and cope with daily life.

3.1. Well being, mental stability, self confidence, etc.