Rikki Chavarria: M5/U4/A1-Planning for Learning
by Rikki Chavarria
1. Objectives
1.1. SWBAT analyze the strength and weakness of selected physical activities and use appropriate technology tools to evaluate, monitor and improve physical development
1.2. SWBAT 85% of the class will perform in their “Healthy Age Range” the 1-Mile Run, PACER run, push up, and curl-up fitness test while following the cadence.
1.3. SWBAT explain with 95% accuracy the importance of the five fitness components.
2. Big Idea
2.1. Fit for Life: The student will understand that physical activity contributes to your overall good health. The student will understand that we need to move to complete skills throughout their life. The student will understand that physical activity can be fun.
3. Subject/Grade Level
3.1. Physical Education
3.2. 6th-8th Grade
4. Scaffolding strategies
4.1. 1. Pre-Teach FitnessGram Vocabulary: Any new word or words that may be misunderstood can be taught before the lesson either during their warm ups or at the end of a previous lesson.
4.2. 2. Use Visual Aids: There will be poster boards of explanation and examples of each FitnessGram component tested. Also, videos of demonstrations of correct forms and levels to perform for each one.
4.3. 3. Pause, Ask Questions, Pause, Review: This is a wonderful way to check for understanding while students read a chunk of difficult text or learn a new concept or content. Here's how this strategy works: a new idea from discussion or the reading is shared, then pause (providing think time), then ask a strategic question, pausing again.
5. Reference:
5.1. http://www.edutopia.org/blog/scaffolding-lessons-six-strategies-rebecca-alber
6. Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. PO 1. Perform a nationally recognized, criterion referenced, health-related fitness assessment, that includes aerobic fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition
7. Why these Strategies:
7.1. 1. Pre-Teach FitnessGram Vocabulary: In order for them to understand each 5 fitness components they will be given the definition of each one. They will also be told what they will be tested on and what fitness component they will demonstrate. By learning the definition of each of the 5 fitness component will help them memorize and familiar themselves with them because they are a big component of their daily activities.
7.2. 2. Use Visual Aids: If anyone needs extra clarity or learns better through demonstration or pictures the visual aids gives that. By having the posters around the gym seeing those daily will help them familiarize them too.
7.3. 3. Pause, Ask Questions, Pause, Review: This will be helpful for when I have to explain to the class what they will be tested on for FitnessGram. After I explain one part of the FitnessGram I will allow anyone to ask questions. After I ask all questions I will review to check to see if class understands completely.
8. Connection to Prior Knowledge
8.1. Physical activity and health. The student knows the benefits from involvement in daily physical activity and factors that affect physical performance. The student is expected to: Identify each health-related fitness component and describe how participating in cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility actions impact personal fitness