1. Group 4 (Training)
2. Group 3 (Curriculum and FOBISIA)
3. Do students know what criteria is considered to be part of the team?
3.1. DCS
3.2. SHB
3.2.1. Explanation during Term 1 PE lessons, plus a wall display detailing selection, plus a letter home in Sept.
3.3. BISH
3.3.1. Soemtimes
3.4. BSJ
3.4.1. I think so
3.5. BISB
3.6. elc
3.6.1. Yes
3.7. JIS
3.8. BSG
4. What does your training schedule look like - number of hours/days/rest days/times in the day (AM/PM)
4.1. DCS
4.2. BISH
4.2.1. 3 afternoons per week
4.3. SHB
4.3.1. 4 1 hr sessions per week (4 sports) Feb - June
4.4. BSJ
4.4.1. We train 1 day per week for each of the sports throughout the year. Teel Ball Tern 1 and so on. Not all kids will sign up though.
4.5. elc
4.5.1. 2 days per week
4.6. JIS
5. Athletics - When do you select events? Is Athletics training split so that Field and Track are on at different times?
5.1. DCS
5.2. SHB
5.2.1. Results taken during Jan. Results of an Internal Athletics meet during training determines selection.
5.3. BISH
5.3.1. 3 weeks before
5.4. BSJ
5.4.1. 5 weeks before
5.5. BSG
5.6. elc
5.6.1. 1 Month prior to event.
5.7. BISB
5.8. BSG
5.8.1. Easter
6. Is FOBISIA only an enriching event, or are there any negative aspects involved in this and how do you try to limit them?
6.1. DCS
6.2. SHB
6.2.1. The competitive nature of A1 sometimes encourages negative parental behavior/occasionally seen from competitors. We get both students and parents to sign a code of conduct. I talk students and parents through this sensitive topic during the last meeting.
6.3. BIS H
6.4. BSJ
6.5. BSG
6.5.1. Trials (negative philosophy) Frustrating that as teachers, your professional judgment is questioned in terms of the selection process by parents.
7. Do you consider you provide for FOBISIA and Non FOBISIA students in equal terms in your school?
7.1. DCS
7.2. SHB
7.2.1. BISAC sports happen throughout the year, so non FOBISIA students participate all year round. Due to the fact we are a large school we offer a wide breath of opportunities for all. Teams are expanding year on year (space is an issue) e.g A/B/C teams U11 boys footy. I wish I could offer more for the weaker Games players (Feb - June), but at this point FOBISIA takes over.
7.3. BISH
7.3.1. Yes
7.4. BSJ
7.4.1. There are not many opportunities outside of FOBISIA sports.
7.5. BISV
7.6. BSG
7.6.1. Not yet, we don't have much sport going on. We don't cut people and will still allow anyone to take part in that ASA club. A development games would be great for us.
7.7. elc
7.7.1. Yes
8. Swimming - when do you select events?
8.1. DCS
8.2. SHB
8.2.1. Officially May, but weak swimmers are informed before so that they have time to develop. Our Swim coaches give them specific strokes to focus on.
8.3. BISH
8.3.1. 3 weeks before
8.4. BSJ
8.4.1. 5 weeks before
8.5. BSG
8.5.1. Around Easter. Might be earlier this year as we have changed our Sports Day. We will have a rough idea from February half Term. Depends on the cohort - if they can all do IM then its later. If only 1 can do an IM then its pretty simple.
8.6. elc
8.6.1. 1 Month prior to event
8.7. BISB
8.8. BSG
8.8.1. Easter
9. What opportunities are there for the students who would want some sporting competition, but don't make the team? 'Sport For All!"
9.1. DCS
9.2. SHB
9.2.1. We have a 'Development Squad " set up. It runs 1 or 2 sessions per week (depending on spacing) and rotates around the 3 PE Sports. Students can arrange their Swim sessions independently of this program. There are opportunities to swim every day at SHB.
9.3. BISH
9.3.1. Opportunities are offered.
9.4. BSJ
9.4.1. There are not competitive opportunities
9.5. BSG
9.5.1. Not really. There are Basketball, Badminton and Table tennis starting this year., but the main sports will always be Football and Swimming.
9.6. elc
9.6.1. Opportunities are offered
10. Do you set your curriculum up to primarily suit FOBISIA?
10.1. DCS
10.2. GIS
10.3. SHB
10.3.1. This year is the 1st Year that Top Set Girls and Boys are following a primarily FOBISIA based curriculum. We figure this will benefit recording of data and so on to make my job easier. The Year 5 + 6 Curriculum comprises FOBISIA Sports, plus Basketball (for BISAC) and then they have an option choice for the last module from really alternative sports like (Trampolining, Orienteering, Yoga etc.)
10.4. BIS H
10.4.1. No
10.5. BSJ
10.5.1. We did, but not anymore.
10.6. BISV
10.7. BSG
10.7.1. We set the curriculum to the local calendar.
10.8. elc
10.8.1. Yes
11. Who are your coaches? PE staff or Primary Teachers?
11.1. DCS
11.2. BISH
11.3. SHB
11.3.1. Traditionally it was all Primary staff (and me overseeing it), however as we are now back in the A1 group this year the PE team will run teams to see if we can progress.
11.4. DSC
11.5. elc
11.6. BISB
11.7. JIS
12. FOBISIA should develop a students knowledge and Understanding of many concepts in sport. Do you help develop these outside of practical sessions?
12.1. DCS
12.2. BIS H
12.3. SHB
12.3.1. We hold bi-weekly lunchtime workshops which the PE Team leads (same ideas as 'Team SHB'. Topics include; Nutrition, Rules, Techniques, Being a Team Player, The Code of Conduct and so on.
12.4. BIS H
12.4.1. Yes
12.5. BSJ
12.5.1. No
12.6. BSG
12.6.1. We do through lessons and games etc., but maybe not in other walks of life.
12.7. elc
12.7.1. Yes, but minimal
13. Group 1 (Selection/Non Selected)
14. Group 2 (Time Line)
15. How transparent is your selection process to both students and parents?
15.1. DCS
15.2. elc
15.2.1. Parents and students are informed of the selection process.
15.3. SHB
15.3.1. Students are aware they are scored by ability, but they are also very aware that attitude and effort are crucial to be considered. They know to look at the display to see what the requirements are. They know that when chosen they need to sign a 'Commitment to Training Pledge' as part of the letter of acceptance. Initial letter in Sept gives parents an indication of how we are selecting and what opportunities there are to improve during Term 1.
15.4. BIS H
15.5. BSJ
15.5.1. Not as much as it should be
15.6. BIS H
15.6.1. Information evening before selection process and the trials are explained to students and parents.
15.7. BISB
15.8. BSG
15.8.1. It's not and I don't think it should be. Parents don't understand the intricacies to consider. That said it certainly does need to be better communicated.
15.9. JIS
16. What does your annual timeline for FOBISIA look like? What do you do at which time of the year.
16.1. elc
16.1.1. November - Primary
16.2. SHB
16.2.1. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vrLs4OOTab9sPMXSIdiXPOlUqwfDkL84Y11PFibf3lc/edit#slide=id.p
16.3. BISB
16.4. BSJ
16.4.1. See answers to question 1.
16.5. BIS H
16.5.1. Can sign up for FOBISIA Extra Curricular activity after school. Students have fixtures in all 4 sports.
16.6. DCS
16.7. JIS
16.8. BSG
16.8.1. For the 1st time this year, during Term 1 we have Tee Ball, Sports Day and Swimming Gala as the weather is good. Football events takes place all year. The Primary sport set up in GZ is very poor. We are just getting it going.
17. What does your selection process involve?
17.1. DSC
17.2. SHB -
17.2.1. Football 'Try Outs' occur throughout the whole pre-season, plus Inter-house Football. There is an Internal Swim Meet for Swimming selection. Athletics results are acquired in lessons, plus Sports Day. We select the squad plus 4 reserves. 'Development Squad' trains separately for those students who wish to improve for next year. Reserves train with squad until event.
17.3. BSJ
17.3.1. Selection of squad (approx 10) end of term 1. Training in Term 2. Selection of team end of Term 2.
17.4. BISB
17.5. BSG
17.5.1. We set Year 5 + 6 and this helps. We have FOBISIA sorts in Term 1, to see them all. Largely done from a combination of the 2. My opinion is that we should be selecting whilst our students are taking part in sport locally.
17.6. BIS H
17.6.1. Sign up session and trials for all 4 sports
17.7. elc
17.7.1. Selection try outs
17.8. JIS
18. When do you select?
18.1. DSC
18.2. SHB
18.2.1. January - February Half Term, except Football coaches have already identified most able Football players to me prior to Christmas.
18.3. BSJ
18.3.1. End of Term 2 (before Easter) x2 weeks.
18.4. BISB
18.4.1. Before end of term 1
18.5. BSG
18.5.1. As close to January as possible.
18.6. BIS H
18.6.1. January
18.7. elc
18.7.1. November
18.8. JIS
19. Do all four sports have equal waiting?
19.1. DCS
19.2. JIS
19.2.1. Games players are prioritized who can transfer abilities to swimming and athletics
19.3. SHB
19.3.1. Yes, plus fitness for the 1st time 2016/17
19.4. BISB
19.4.1. Football, teeball, and athletics are prioritised. (no pool)
19.5. BIS H
19.5.1. Swimming and Athletics takes precedence as football, tee ball are seen
19.6. elc
19.6.1. No, football, Tee-ball, swimming, and athletics take precedence.
19.7. JIS
19.8. BSG
19.8.1. No. Depends on our strengths and weaknesses within that cohort. We might only have 3 good swimmers per year group and say we are going to lose the Swimming - but do well in Swimming for example.
20. Do you have "try outs" for each of the four sports?
20.1. DCS
20.2. BIS H
20.2.1. Swimming and athletics yes as other sports are seen
20.3. SHB
20.3.1. Yes and now we are beginning to add fitness testing into the mix as an extra.
20.4. BISB
20.5. BSJ
20.5.1. Yes
20.6. BIS H
20.6.1. Yes
20.7. JIS
20.8. elc
20.8.1. Yes
20.9. BSG
20.9.1. Students have the ability and opportunity to play all 4 sports prior to selection. Some don't do this as they just want to trial. It's a philosophy I am trying to get away from.
21. Do you use curriculum lessons as part of your selection process to collect data?
21.1. DCS
21.2. BSJ
21.2.1. Not really.
21.3. SHB
21.3.1. First time 2016/17. Top set boys and girls follow a FOBISIA style curriculum. Top sets contain FOBISIA students and other able students. Letter is sent out in September. If a child shows interest, but we know they won't get selected they won't be moved into the top groups, however they will be encouraged to participate in the try outs for experience and then join the 'Development Squad' if they wish.
21.4. BIS H
21.4.1. Only to identify any able students who did not sign up for the try outs.
21.5. BISB
21.6. elc
21.6.1. Yes
21.7. JIS
21.8. BSG
21.8.1. Yes, it's the only time we can always guarantee to see them altogether. That said they won't all want to go so sometimes it can be quite a nuisance.
22. Do you use a numerical point score?
22.1. DCS
22.2. JIS
22.3. SHB
22.3.1. Point score highest - lowest for all sports. Attitude and effort are discussed between all coaches. Students know that without the right attitude they won't be chosen. We put a display in the PE corridor, stating the main skills which are assessed in each sport.
22.4. BISB
22.4.1. No
22.5. BIS H
22.5.1. Yes
22.6. BSJ
22.6.1. Yes
22.7. elc
22.7.1. Yes
22.8. BSG
22.8.1. No
23. How do you let the students know who has been selected? Is it a child friendly method?
23.1. DCS
23.2. elc
23.2.1. Letter
23.3. SHB
23.3.1. FOBISIA Students meeting P6. Parents are welcomed to this. Praise given to all who showed interest. Development Squad explained further. Letters given out with parents. They have a choice to open them immediately or at home. Parents who don't turn up get theirs sent in the post, so students have to wait before they know - minimizing tears! (support network) Students and parents who didn't get in are encouraged to have a meeting with me to discus which areas need development. no comparisons between students are made.
23.4. BIS H
23.4.1. Students are told after the trials and parents are informed via a letter.
23.5. BISB
23.5.1. Initial meeting, letter and follow up meeting for selected pupils.
23.6. BSJ
23.6.1. Meeting and letter.
23.7. JIS
23.8. BSG
23.8.1. Last year by putting their names up on a board. I don't like this for Primary, but no one complained surprisingly.
24. Are there all year round opportunities for students to improve in each of the four sports?
24.1. DCS
24.2. GIS
24.3. SHB
24.3.1. Football, Swimming and Running are now offered all year round. Football and running this is fairly recent and progress is being noted. Tee Ball is offered Nov - June. In BKK we are lucky to have a BISAC league, for all of the FOBISIA sports, so this helps us to be prepared naturally. We have just acquired a 'Strength and Conditioning Running Coach' who is aiming to individualize training programs for Athletes this year. 1st time too we are encouraging an outside field events coach to work with students on set afternoons/weekends.
24.4. BIS H
24.4.1. Yes
24.5. BSJ
24.5.1. Yes, sport for all across the 4 sports continues all year.
24.6. BSG
24.6.1. More or less. Not always Athletics and Swimming can be affected by the weather.
24.7. elc
24.7.1. Yes
25. When do you hold meetings with parents ?
25.1. SHB. We hold 2. Firstly in Feb (immediately after the 1/2 term break when the selection process has been done) this is mainly so we can put a deadline on students accepting the invite, plus to select a 'Parent Rep' who corresponds between our parents and hosting school. 2nd meeting is to go through last minute arrangements and so far and to answer q's regarding the logistics of the event.
25.2. BIS H
25.2.1. One before the try outs and one just before the event.
25.3. DCS
25.4. BSJ
25.4.1. Term 1 and then before the trip.
25.5. JIS
25.6. BISB
25.7. BSG
25.7.1. We don't. We have a meeting after they have been selected to explain our trip.
25.8. elc
25.8.1. We don't have meetings.