French and Indian war- French and Indians against the British, British won. it was a Costly war  ...

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French and Indian war- French and Indians against the British, British won. it was a Costly war  1754- 1763 by Mind Map: French and Indian war- French and Indians against the British, British won. it was a Costly war  1754- 1763

1. Stamp act- Act passed against the colonists taxing any and all pieces of paper. 1765

1.1. Sons of Liberty- Formed in 1765, due to the stamp acts, in order to protect rights of colonists

1.1.1. Boston Tea Party- Revolt by the Sons of Liberty fighting against the British and their taxes Intolerable acts- Acts passed by the British to punish them for the Boston Tea Party. 1774 first continental congress 1774- meeting of 12 of the 13 colonies second contental congress

2. Townshed acts- taxed glass, lead, paints, paper and tea, in order to economically recover from the war.  1767

2.1. Daughters of Liberty- Formed in 1765, dur to the townshed acts, in order to protect the rights of Colonists

3. Quartering act- Act passed that required Colonists to house and feed multiple British soldiers. 1765

3.1. Boston Massacre- Tensions rose after British Troops arrived in Boston and the British killed 5 colonists in 1770

4. Sugar act- Act passed by British in order to make money. Taxed sugar. 1764