Direct Method & The Grammar Translation Method

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Direct Method & The Grammar Translation Method by Mind Map: Direct Method & The Grammar Translation Method

1. Direct Method

2. The Grammar-Translation Method

3. Features

3.1. - Native laguage is spoken.

3.2. -Translation is allowed.

3.3. - Grammar section is centered.

3.4. - Skills to develop: reading and writing.

3.5. - Main goal: reading and writing

3.6. - Teaching grammar through deductivey ways.

4. Similarities

4.1. - Encourage students to learn how to communicate in foreign language and read and appreciate foreign language literature.

4.2. - Both methods talk about grammar rules and vocabulary in the target language.

4.3. - These methods are exploiting one of the skills in teaching English that is reading.

5. Features

5.1. - Native language is not allowed.

5.2. - Translation is not allowed.

5.3. - Grammar is deductive.

5.4. - Skills to develop: speaking.

5.5. - Main goal: communication.

5.6. - Teaching grammar by using an inductive approach.