Prevent fast food advertisement and correct children and teenager's eating habit: Promoting healt...

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Prevent fast food advertisement and correct children and teenager's eating habit: Promoting healthy fast food! by Mind Map: Prevent fast food advertisement and correct children and teenager's eating habit: Promoting healthy fast food!

1. 1. Collection of existed healthy fast food brand

2. Data Visualization

2.1. Poster

2.1.1. 2. Calorie Chart? Help people find the boundary between unhealthy & healthy fast food

3. Generative System

3.1. An event to promote healthy fast food

3.1.1. Healthy Food Sale

4. Services Design

4.1. Re-branding for healthy food brand

4.1.1. Packaging

4.1.2. Poster

4.1.3. Advertisment

4.2. An app for healthy fast food delivery

4.3. An app for to record daily calorie