Which DL tools can be used to complete the following tasks?

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Which DL tools can be used to complete the following tasks? by Mind Map: Which DL tools can be used to complete the following tasks?

1. Advertising

1.1. Offline

1.1.1. Flyers/ posters created on publisher

1.1.2. Phone/ Radio message

1.2. R & D

1.2.1. Employee

1.2.2. Employee

1.3. Upgrades

1.3.1. Employee

1.3.2. Employee

2. Communicating with work colleagues on projects

2.1. Asynchronously

2.1.1. Email

2.1.2. Fax

2.2. Synchronously

2.2.1. Phone

2.2.2. Instant messenger (Whatsapp)

2.3. Other

2.3.1. ?

2.3.2. ?

3. Presentations

3.1. Offline

3.1.1. Powerpoint

3.1.2. Keynote

3.2. Online

3.2.1. Prezi

3.2.2. Emaze

3.3. Other?

3.3.1. ?

3.3.2. ?

4. Displaying stats

4.1. Offline

4.1.1. Excel graphs

4.1.2. Powerpoint

4.2. Online

4.2.1. Infographic maker

4.2.2. Youtube video

4.3. Other

4.3.1. ?

4.3.2. ?

5. Information document

5.1. Offline

5.1.1. Word

5.1.2. Publisher

5.2. Online

5.2.1. Hackpad

5.2.2. Adobe spark

5.2.3. Sway

5.3. Other

5.3.1. ?

5.3.2. ?

6. Data collection and analysis

6.1. Offline

6.1.1. Word

6.1.2. Excel

6.2. Online

6.2.1. Survey Monkey

6.2.2. Poll it

6.3. Other

6.3.1. ?

6.3.2. ?