Cause & Effect

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Cause & Effect by Mind Map: Cause & Effect

1. Townshend Acts: The cause was a series of measures imposed upon the American colonists, was the British desire to raise revenue, punish the colonists and assert the authority of the British Parliament. The effects were dissatisfaction, protests, a boycott of British goods. It lead to the Boston Massacre.

2. Quartering Act: It was passed to address the practical concerns of troop deployment. Some also think they were trying to protect the colonies. The effect was that colonists had to pay taxes for the armies.

3. Intolerable Acts: After the Boston Tea Party, the colonists were punished, therefore this law was passed. They had to pay for all of the that was dumped into the water.

4. Sons of Liberty: The stamp act caused it due to having to pay for documents. The effect was that the sons and daughters of liberty was formed and participated in the Boston tea party.

5. The Sugar Act: The effect of this act was taxation without representation. The cause was that it was made to reduce the tax on molasses and to regulate trade.

6. French and Indian War: The english ran out of land, therefore wanted to expand west. The native americans and french got mad that the english expanded onto their territory. The effect was that the country had to pay for the cause of the war. Therefore the British taxed the colonists in order to pay it off. People were unhappy.

7. The Boston Massacre: Civilians taunted them. Tension grew between the two sides for the next 18 months. The Regiment came to replace the eighth on duty. The soldiers led by Captain Preston, were met by the civilians. Preston told his men to not fire. But due of the commotion the soldiers did not hear him, and opened fired on the crowd.

8. The Proclamation of 1763: British leaders were scared that fighting would occur on the frontier if colonists kept moving onto their lands. The effect was that it banned British from settling west of the Appalachian mountains.

9. The Declaration of Independence: The cause of gaining our independence was the Revolutionary War. The effect was our freedom and independence.

10. The first continental congress: The cause and effect on this was to organize colonial resistance to the Coercive acts.

11. The second continental congress: It helped towards gaining independence and managed the colonial war effort.

12. The Stamp Act: the cause of the stamp act was . The effect of it was that all colonists were taxed and required to pay taxes on every single piece of paper they used.

13. Navigation Acts: The cause of the navigation acts was that . The effect was that it caused resentment in the colonies. It also required that the colonies' imports were only to be bought from England or resold from English merchants.