What were the impacts of Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of the New World, on both Europe and t...

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What were the impacts of Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of the New World, on both Europe and the Americas? by Mind Map: What were the impacts of Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of the New World, on both Europe and the Americas?

1. Columbus' "discovery" of the New World had a positive impact on Europe.

1.1. Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas

1.1.1. Europeans began to cross the Atlantic by the thousands in what would become one of the biggest voluntary migrations in world history. The voyages of Columbus and the people after him led to the discovery of numerous plants and animals in the Americas that were unknown to the Europeans. The economic benefits of using native or local peoples for forced labor.

2. Columbus' "discovery" of the New World had a negative impact on the Americas.

2.1. The arrival of the Europeans devastated Native Americans by means of disease.

2.1.1. Consequently, the Taino died by the thousands once they were exposed to the diseases of the Europeans. European weapons were used to dominate the Natives Most Native American cultures were destroyed by the Europeans

3. Columbus' "discovery" of the New World had a positive impact on both the Americas and Europe

3.1. The Columbian Exchange began with Columbus’s first voyage and continues to this day.

3.1.1. Ships took items such as corn, potatoes, and tobacco from the Americas to Europe.