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Threshold by Mind Map: Threshold

1. Threshold (Douglass Novel)

1.1. Glass-Working Slave

1.2. Glass Pyramid

1.3. Open a Gateway

1.4. Infinity

1.5. Perfection

2. Stimulus

2.1. Maximum

2.2. Minimum

2.3. Phenomenon

2.4. Highest Point

2.4.1. Manifestation

3. Band

3.1. Songs

3.1.1. Paradox

3.1.2. Sunseeker

3.1.3. Light and Space

3.1.4. Fragmentation

3.2. Progressive Metal

4. Entrance

4.1. Portal

4.2. Gate

4.3. Doorway

4.3.1. Stone

4.3.2. Wood

4.3.3. Metal

5. TV Series

5.1. Science Fiction

5.1.1. Aliens

5.1.2. Extraterrestrial Craft

5.2. Infection

5.2.1. Infectee

5.2.2. Mutation

5.2.3. Hybrids

5.2.4. Dreamers

6. Beginning

6.1. Limitation

6.2. End

6.3. Dawn

6.4. Birth of something new