5 Step Process  to a Greater Social Cultural Inclusion

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5 Step Process  to a Greater Social Cultural Inclusion by Mind Map: 5 Step Process  to a Greater Social Cultural Inclusion

1. 1. Identify Students

1.1. who

1.2. what

1.3. when

1.4. where

1.5. why

1.6. how

2. 5.Involve students in group work

2.1. who

2.2. what

2.3. when

2.4. where

2.5. why

2.6. how

3. 2. Focus on Language Acquisition

3.1. who

3.2. what

3.3. when

3.4. where

3.5. why

3.6. how

4. 4. Bring  culture difference into the classroom

4.1. who

4.2. what

4.3. when

4.4. where

4.5. why

4.6. how

4.6.1. Example:

5. 3. Focus on Individuality

5.1. who

5.2. what

5.3. when

5.4. where

5.5. why

5.6. how