Circulatory System

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Circulatory System by Mind Map: Circulatory System

1. What does it do?

1.1. The circulatory system is a network of different organs and vessels that ensure proper flow of nutrients, blood, hormones and oxygen to and from cells

1.2. One complete heartbeat makes up a cardiac cycle, which consists of two phases:

1.2.1. systole In the first phase, the ventricles contract  sending blood into the pulmonary and systemic circulation

1.2.2. diastole In the second phase the ventricles relax and fill with blood from the atria.

2. Different types of circulation

2.1. Pulmonary

2.1.1. This part of the cycle carries oxygen-depleted blood away from the heart, to the lungs, and back to the heart

2.2. Systemic

2.2.1. This is the part that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart and to other parts of the body.

2.3. Coronary

2.3.1. This type of circulation provides the heart with oxygenated blood so it can function properly.

3. What are the parts?

3.1. Heart

3.1.1. Key organ in the circulatory system

3.1.2. has 4 chambers Right and Left Ventricle two chambers on the bottom part of the heart  which pump blood out of the heart Right and Left Atria two chambers on the top part of the hear which receive incoming blood

3.2. Blood Vessels

3.2.1. Arteries takes oxygen-rich blood away from your heart

3.2.2. Veins takes blood back toward your heart.

3.2.3. Capillaries are very tiny blood vessels that form a connection between arteries and veins. The capillary walls facilitate the transfer of oxygen, nutrients and wastes in and out of your body.

3.3. Blood

3.3.1. substance that carries water, nutrients, waste products and oxygen to and from your body cells. Red Blood Cells carry oxygen to the tissues White Blood Cells fight infections Platelets smaller cells that help blood to clot Plasma the liquid part of blood that transports blood cells throughout the body along with nutrients, waste products, antibodies, clotting proteins, and hormones that help maintain the body's fluid balance