TrimTribe Launch Domain name:

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TrimTribe Launch Domain name: by Mind Map: TrimTribe Launch Domain name:

1. LeadQuizzes

1.1. Quiz: Created and Tested!

1.2. AutoResponder Email: Not Ready. (Waiting for Swipe Copy)

1.3. Lists: Set Up  on AWeber (Depends on Results)

2. Things Needed:

2.1. Quiz Autoresponder Email Swipe.

2.1.1. Simply add a Comment here to provide feedback or answer questions...!

3. Last Update: -Mosiur  09-15-16 (2:10 AM PST)

4. TEST PASS (Addeed to List, Received Confirmation Emaiil from GTW, Added to GTW)

5. TEST PASS (Added to Lists, Received Welcome/Bonus Emails from CF, Received UN/PASS from S2, Logged in to TT)

6. TrimTribe VIP Salespage

6.1. Sales Page: Created!


6.2. Order Form: Created!

6.2.1. S2 Member Integration: Done by Nick

6.2.2. Products (with AR Emails): Set Up by Sheila

6.2.3. Form: Set Up by Mosiur Old Version:

6.2.4. Order Confimation/Thank you page: Set Up by Mosiur

6.3. Buyers Email List:  Created!

6.3.1. TT97.BUYERS and TT37.BUYERS: Set up by Sheila

7. Webinar - 5 Belly Fat Types

7.1. Optin Page: Ready


7.2. GoToWebinar: Webinar created

7.3. 5BELLYFATYPES List: Created!