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1. Anytime they try to leave the funnel, they'll go to the pop up. Except if they scheduled their appointment

2. Try to leave home page

2.1. Wait! Don't Leave Empty Handed...Watch Your Free Training and Claim Your Free Retirement Rescue Guide. (This will look like a video so if they click on it it's take them to a new page.

2.1.1. If they click this image, it'll take them to this page. I'll insert the video and change the headline text later. We'll have a delayed button on this page that take them to the application. example - (

3. They click through to the next page

3.1. They will go here to fill out the survey

3.1.1. Try to go away from the survey, they go to the Don't Leave Empty Handed... Pop Up and into that funnel

3.1.2. Fill Out survey. They now go to this page - On this page, we'll have a video and ask them to schedule a call with our team. (Add Video 2) Here's an example, - I'll need a video and below the video, we'll add the schedule time and date - (You'll embed the schedule code onto the page. Below the schedule box, we'll have a button that says, No Thanks, Not This Time, I'll Take My Gifts Now. They'll then be taken to the last page to claim their gifts. Next after they schedule, we'll go to the page where they claim their free gifts (Add video 3) We'll need a place to out a video and download for the free guide/ebook. We'll add the actual video and headline later.  Here's an example of the page