ELLS- 5 step plans for Social Inclusion, Understanding and Mutual Respect

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ELLS- 5 step plans for Social Inclusion, Understanding and Mutual Respect by Mind Map: ELLS- 5 step plans for Social Inclusion, Understanding and Mutual Respect


1.1. Who will carry out the step?

1.1.1. Teachers, students, parents.

1.2. What is the step?

1.2.1. - Making sure that classmates and teacher pronounce the name of the ELL student properly                                                        - Explain playground and school rules to ELL students                                                 - Celbrate culture in the classroom              - Have signs, and posters that deliver school messages/values and ethics               - Allow ELL students to have a choice           - Invite ELL students’ parents for teacher’s night

1.3. Where will it take place?

1.3.1. in the classroom and at home

1.4. When will it take place?

1.4.1. The first weeks of class

1.5. Why is the step important?

1.5.1. - Bridge the cultural gap  between parents and teachers and respond to the student needs                                                               - Creates creates a global connection between cultures and fosters an empathetic atmosphere.                                                   - Put in place a clearly defined classroom and school  rules

1.6. How will the step be carried out?

1.6.1. - Give ELL students a choice that allows them to select their group members if they choose to do so                                                             - Discussing social inclusion in small groups and presenting it to the class


2.1. Who will carry out the step?

2.1.1. Student, peer and teachers

2.2. What is the step?

2.2.1. - Build on ELL's background knowledge to increase comprehension                             - Increase ELL language production and peer interaction                                           - Use authentic visuals and manipulatives   - Know their English Language proficiency level and scaffold accordingly                       - Make sure that the 4 domains of language are given equal importance

2.3. Where will it take place?

2.3.1. In the classroom, in the community, at home

2.4. When will it take place?

2.4.1. Every day

2.5. Why is the step important?

2.5.1. - Teachers will know better their students , vary their teaching styles and thus, respond to the students needs   accordingly

2.6. How will the step be carried out?

2.6.1. - Plan activities that foster Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing                                         - Ask the student  his/her preferred learning style  then plan activities that responds to the specific need                                                                 - For group works, encourage ELL students  to work with different peers for different activities to increase the interaction with peers


3.1. Who will carry out the step?

3.1.1. Students, peers, parents, eachers and community members

3.2. What is the step?

3.2.1. - The school can organize international days where dishes from different countries could be presented                                                           - Presentation on Mutual respect                        - Presentation on the specific elements of one's culture                                                       - Activities that would help compare one's culture with another culture

3.3. Where will it take place?

3.3.1. In the classroom, in the community, at home

3.4. When will it take place?

3.4.1. At all times

3.5. Why is the step important?

3.5.1. Allows student to be open-minded and change stereotypes

3.6. How will the step be carried out?

3.6.1. - Role plays where students show respect for different cultures                                  - Sharing cultural foods with peers           - Inviting parents to present about their culture and respond to students questions