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GSA by Mind Map: GSA

1. Schedule C Charges

1.1. Exhibit C-1 Financial Responsibility Matrix

1.2. Exhibit C-4 Ahold Fiscal Calendar

1.3. Exhibit C-5 Transition Charges

1.4. Exhibit C-6 Recource Unit Definitions

1.5. Exhibit C-7 HP Rate Card

1.5.1. Exhibit C-7-1 Rate Card

1.5.2. Exhibit C-7-2 App Maint Rate Card

1.6. Exhibit C-8 Calculation Examples

1.7. Exhibit C-9 Project Labor Rates

1.8. Exhibit C-10 Termination Charges

1.9. Exhibit C-11 ECA

1.10. Exhibit C-12 Benchmarking

1.11. Exhibit C-13 Joint Cost Optimization

1.12. US Exhibit C-14 Pro Forma Invoice Est P1

1.13. NL Exhibit C-14 Pro Forma Invoice Est P1

1.14. Exhibit C-15 Min Rev Commitment

1.15. Exhibit C-16 Services Pricing

2. Schedule E Disengagement Assistance

3. Schedule F Business Associate Terms

4. Schedule H Refresh

5. Schedule I Ahold Third Party Service Contracts

6. Schedule J Works

6.1. Exhibit J-1US Arena Supported Applications

6.2. Exhibit J-2 US Arena Supported App That are Ahold Licensed SW

6.3. Exhibit J-3 AH Licensed SW

6.4. Exhibit J-4 HP Owned Works

6.5. Exhibit J-5 NL Arena End User Compute SW

6.6. Exhibit J6-J7 Ahold Europe Apps & Middleware Products

7. Schedule K Ahold Facilities

7.1. Exhibit K-1 Ahold Facilities

8. Schedule L Governance

9. Schedule A Services

9.1. Exhibit A-1 Scope Model

9.2. Exhibit A-3 Process Definitions

9.3. Exhibit A-4 Element Definitions

9.4. Exhibit A-5 Interaction Models

9.5. Exhibit A-6 Solution Characteristics

9.5.1. Exhibit A-6-1 Application Services

9.5.2. Exhibit A-6-2 Technology Roadmap and Standards

9.5.3. Exhibit A-6-3 End User Services

9.5.4. Exhibit A-6-4 Housing (DC Facilities)

9.5.5. Exhibit A-6-5 Hosting (MR)

9.5.6. Exhibit A-6-6 Hosting (MF)

9.5.7. Exhibit A-6-7 Network

9.5.8. Exhibit A-6-8 Security

9.5.9. Exhibit A-6-9 Service Desk

9.5.10. Exhibit A-6-10 Service Management

9.5.11. Exhibit A-6-11 Disaster Recovery Plan

9.5.12. Exhibit A-6-12 Projects

9.5.13. Exhibit A-6-13 Invoice Process

9.6. Exhibit A-10 Reports

9.7. Exhibit A-11 Transition

9.8. Exhibit A-12 Milestones

9.9. Exhibit A-15 U&A Description

10. Schedule B Service Levels

10.1. Exhibit B-1-1 Service Levels NL

10.2. Exhibit B-1-2 Service Levels US

11. Schedule M Key HP Resources

12. Schedule N EU Data and Privacy Protection

13. Schedule O HP Parental Guarantee