My personal writing history

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My personal writing history by Mind Map: My personal writing history

1. What makes a good piece of writing?

1.1. Correctly identify the purpose

1.1.1. I would say that I'm pretty good at writing papers that have a purpose that is pretty obvious.

1.2. Grammar

1.2.1. Does it make sense

1.2.2. I sometimes struggle with this, and can over look small things

1.3. Does it make sense

1.3.1. I also struggle with being consistent and making sense

1.4. Depth

2. Future as a teacher

2.1. I will let the students pick what they choose to write about.i will provide several options

2.2. It's important to let the students choose a topic they are passionate or curious about

2.2.1. Writing is not useful to me if you have no interest in it. The best work comes from passion

3. What is writing to me?

3.1. A way to express yourself

3.1.1. One that tends to be the least used purpose for me

3.2. A way to explain

3.2.1. Most used in school. Tends to be the most boring for me

3.3. A way to get your point across

3.3.1. I like writing for persuasion

3.4. A way to help you remember

3.4.1. I use this daily. Especially for grocery lists and writing notes quickly in the notes app for a task that I need to remember.

4. How do I feel about writing?

4.1. Negative

4.1.1. I usually do not enjoy writing papers that have no purpose I like to write to remember I like to write to love ones

4.2. Positive

4.2.1. I like to write to love ones

4.2.2. I like to write as a way of helping me, such as lists.