General Impact of Gloablization, Positives and Negatives

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General Impact of Gloablization, Positives and Negatives by Mind Map: General Impact of Gloablization, Positives and Negatives

1. Social

1.1. Increased knowledge of other cultures

1.2. small local cultures are being fazed out

1.3. More powerful countries ideals are what is expected from people

1.4. Big businesses are closing small hometown shops

1.5. Awareness of the outside world has risen

1.6. Acceptance of others is on the rise

1.7. Certain schools are available to certain people

1.8. National identity can be pushed back into curriculums based on Neo-liberal ideals

1.9. Check this link for further reading

2. Economics

2.1. MNC's are able to pull from a wider field

2.2. Multinational workers and experts

2.3. Money is spent in more countries on products, education, and services

2.4. Greater production is available

2.5. Costs are lower, revenues can be higher

2.6. Competition in the workforce

2.7. Wide gap between rich and poor

2.8. People can learn in school more easily thanks to the spread of technology

2.9. This is a great video by Crashcourse

2.10. Risks and Risk Prevention

3. Educational

3.1. Neo-liberal ideals can push for a more inclusive curriculum

3.2. More people from low income countries have access to higher education

3.3. Gender equality

3.4. More competitive in schools

3.5. People pay for better educations

3.6. People who cannot afford educations may be left out, in comparison to getting better jobs.

3.7. A need for more skilled workers has opened up jobs for people from China, Russia, and India

3.8. Not all schools and degrees are equal

3.9. There is a push for international curricula

3.10. Check this link for futher reading

4. Political

4.1. Politics tend to influence national curriculums

4.2. National identity can be sought through political will in education

4.3. Curriculums can be changed over to other countries curriculums

4.4. Use of education as a weapon, Cold War

4.5. Accepting MNC's can add capital to a country and provide a better education for its people

4.6. Accepting MNC's can also make a country rely on them, giving them more power

4.7. Curriculums can be used to draw in international people to help a country and their economics.