Jhenoi's Self Portrait

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Jhenoi's Self Portrait by Mind Map: Jhenoi's Self Portrait

1. Preferred Teaching Styles

1.1. Hands-On Presentation

1.2. Visual Focus

1.3. Logical Presentation

2. Multiple Intelligence

2.1. High Scores

2.1.1. Logical-Mathematical: 21

2.1.2. Bodily-Kinesthetic: 20

2.2. Moderate Scores

2.2.1. Intrapersonal: 19

2.2.2. Visual-Spatial: 16

2.2.3. Musical: 16

2.3. Lower Scores

2.3.1. Verbal Linguistic: 11

2.3.2. Naturalistic: 10

3. O*NET Interest Profiler

3.1. High Scores

3.1.1. Investigative: 28

3.1.2. Conventional: 22

3.1.3. Artistic: 21

3.2. Low Scores

3.2.1. Social: 19

3.2.2. Realistic: 19

3.2.3. Social: 18

4. Preferred Study Techniques

4.1. Develop systems and find patterns

4.2. Analyze and evaluate information

4.3. Sequentially explain material to someone

4.4. Organize material logically; if it suits the topic, use a spreadsheet program

5. Personality Spectrum

5.1. High Scores

5.1.1. Organizer: 23

5.1.2. Thinker: 22

5.1.3. Adventurer: 21

5.2. Low Score

5.2.1. Giver: 14

6. Interests

6.1. Computers

6.2. Track and Field

6.3. Video Games

7. Building Excellence Learning styles

7.1. Perceptual

7.2. Physiology

7.3. Sociology