Economic 4 period

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Economic 4 period by Mind Map: Economic 4 period

1. Land

1.1. Refers to all natural resources used to produce goods and services.

1.1.1. Asia, Africa

2. Labor

2.1. Is all of the human effort used to produce goods and services

2.1.1. Immigration, teacher

3. Captial

3.1. Is all of the resources made and used by people to produce goods and services.

3.1.1. physical capital, real capital

4. Entrepreneurship

4.1. Involves the vision, skills, and rick-taking needed to create and run businesses

4.1.1. risk taker,making a profit

5. Opportunity costs

5.1. the next best alternative choice

5.1.1. apple and Samsung, you choose the Apple, and Samsung is the opportunity costs

6. Economizing

6.1. Make decisions based on what you believe is the best use of cost and benefits

6.1.1. Choosing studying for SAT over shopping

7. PPC

7.1. Is a graph used by economists to show the impact of scarcity on an economy

8. Guns and Butter

8.1. Spend money on military, or public services

9. Wants

9.1. Something you wish for

9.2. New clothes, high grade,

10. Needs

10.1. necessary things

10.2. Family, friend, laptops, cellphone.

11. Scarcity

11.1. Shortness of supply

11.2. Pakistan need water, Germany Needs More Immigrants

12. Economics

12.1. consumption of goods and services

12.2. Buy the house, value of a currency

13. Goods

13.1. Are objects, such as good, clothing, and furniture, that can be bought.

13.2. Water battle, glasses, books

14. Services

14.1. Are work that one person does for another.

14.2. Waiter, seller

15. Consumer

15.1. Is a person who buys or uses goods or services

15.2. I went to the restaurant for dinner, so I am consumer.

16. Producer

16.1. Is a maker of goods or a provider of services.

16.2. The CEO of company,  Apple company.