World and Educational Philosophies

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World and Educational Philosophies by Mind Map: World and Educational Philosophies

1. BF Skinner

2. Idealism

2.1. Ideas are true and realists

2.2. conscious reasoning in the mind

2.3. Plato

2.3.1. Father of Idealims

2.3.2. 400 years BC

2.3.3. The Republic

2.3.4. The soul is conform prior to birth

3. Realism

3.1. Reality exists independent to the human mind

3.2. Focus on physical body and objects

3.2.1. curriculum is math and science Presented systematically

3.3. Aristotle the father of realism and scienctific methods

3.3.1. teach objects as a formal of discipline

3.4. Rational thoughts is of mankind

4. Pragmatism (Experientalism)

4.1. John Dewey applied this approach

4.2. Things that are experience or observed are real

4.3. Believes reality is constantly changing and what we experience is real

4.4. Charles Sanders Pierce

4.4.1. Thoughts must produce actions

4.5. John Dewey

4.5.1. Believes learners must adapt to their environment and each other

4.6. Hands-on experience

4.7. Problem solver

4.8. Work in groups

4.9. Apply knowledge to real life situations

5. Existentialism

5.1. Individual choice and individual standards

5.2. Lies within individual

5.3. Focus on freedom

5.4. Take responsibility in finding who you are

5.5. Soren Kierkegaard

5.5.1. founder and christian orientator

5.5.2. life is not guaranteed after death

5.6. clarification is an outgrowth

5.7. personal choice when related to education

5.7.1. individual responsibility

6. Cognitism/Constructivism

6.1. Believes that learning constructs his/her own understanding with objects, people through environment

6.2. Focus on making wholes from bits and pieces

6.3. Learners must modify instructions in order to deal with new information

6.4. Jean Piaget is a Cognitists

6.5. Vygotsky is a constructivists

6.5.1. Shared social construction of knowledge

7. Behaviorism

7.1. Behavior is deliberately shaped by force

7.2. behavior is determined by others than our own free will

7.3. Repetition of meaning connections results in learning

7.4. Behaviorist look for laws that govern human behavior

7.5. Ivan Pavlov is the founder of behavorists

7.6. Teachers teach students by conditioning them by identifying the desired behavior

7.7. James Watson

8. Information Processing

8.1. how body of knowledge is attended to, received, processed, stored, and retrieved by memory

8.2. Focus on the mind and how it works

8.3. theorists focus on individual rather than social aspect of thinking

8.4. Know how to type and spell

8.5. Teachers job is to develop a strategies for memories and think

9. Reconstructionism/Critical Theory

9.1. Theodore Brameld is the founder

9.2. Address social questions and quest to create a better society

9.3. social reform aim at education

10. Progressivism

10.1. Education focus on the whole child

10.2. test ideas through active experiments

10.3. learning occurs through questions from experiments

10.4. learner is a problem solver and thinker

10.5. Curriculum is designed by students questions and interests

10.6. John Dewey philosophy

10.7. Teacher and student makes shared decisions

11. Essentialsim

11.1. Transmitting a common core of knowledge in a systematic and discipline way

11.2. Schools should teach conservative, moral and intellectual methods

11.3. accepts core curriculum can change

11.4. train in read, write, speak and compute clearly

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13. Perennialism

13.1. Advanced

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13.2. Students understand the ideas of the Western Civilizations

13.3. Teach ideas that are everlasting

13.4. seek constant truth

13.5. The great works of art, literature, laws and principles of science

13.6. Advocate of this philosophy is Robert Hutchins

13.6.1. developed a curriculum of 100 books of Western Civilization

14. Humanism

14.1. Erasmus is the roots behind this theory

14.1.1. attacked religious teaching

14.1.2. believes goodness in children

14.1.3. Humans have free will

14.1.4. Moral conscience

14.1.5. ability to reason

14.1.6. aesthetic sensibility

14.1.7. Young should be treated kindly not rushed or forced

14.2. Rousseau

14.2.1. developed humantism as an education philosophy

14.2.2. emphasizes goodness and nature of humans

14.3. believes that humanist should be in control of their own destiny

14.4. Motivation towards highest level