Technology Standards in Education

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Technology Standards in Education by Mind Map: Technology Standards in Education

1. ISTE Standard For Teachers

1.1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity - teacher need to use their own knowledge to help students to want to further their own education

1.2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments - teachers need to use their skills to keep the information and forms of learning relevant to students

1.3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning - teachers should be able to show their students they are confident with using the technology they are using in class

1.4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility - just like in most of the other aspects of their life, teachers need to lead by example and use digital technology responsibly if they expect their students to do the same

1.5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership - teachers need to be lifelong learners in order to stay current with information and new technologies coming out so they can grow and learn with their students

2. ISTE Standard For Students

2.1. Empowered Learner - students need to be active participants in their learning, they need to be engaged and want to explore further

2.2. Digital Citizen - students need to be conscious of the stuff they post online and be sure to not copy anyone's ideas without giving credit where it is due

2.3. Creative Communicator - students can use many different technology programs in order to communicate what they have learned

2.4. Global Collaborator - students can and do use technology to connect with other students to further their own ideas and learning

2.5. Computational Thinker - students are able to take the information they find using technology and go further into the subject to learn more about it

3. Learning and Technology Policy Frameworks

3.1. Student Centred Learning - students need to be the reason teachers want to do their job and learn more themselves. The curriculum needs to be created with the best interests of the students in mind

3.2. Research and Innovation - teachers and schools need to stay up to date with the latest technologies so students can be more easily engaged and interested in their learning

3.3. Professional Learning - teachers need to be constantly learning about new technologies and how they can be used in the classroom, they have to always be adapting and furthering their own education

3.4. Leadership - the educational system should be a leader in new technologies instead of always just following everyone else. They should try coming up with new ideas and ways in which technology can be used in the classroom.

3.5. Access, Infrastructure, and Digital Learning Environments - everyone in the school needs to be able to have easy access to technology

4. ICT Program of Studies

4.1. Communicating - students are able to effectively, and clearly communicate their ideas through the use of technology. They also use technology to communicate with other people who may have more information on the subject they are exploring

4.2. Inquiring - students can use technology to go further into concepts and learn more about subjects and ideas on their own.

4.3. Processes For Productivity - students can use many different forms of technology to communicate ideas and interact with others

4.4. Foundational Operations, Knowledge, and Concepts - students understand the how to use technology, the role technology plays in society, and how to safely use technology

4.5. Decision Making and Problem Solving - students can use technology to investigate problems they come across and also use technology to connect and get help with decisions or problems they have