Second Language Acquisition Theory

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Second Language Acquisition Theory by Mind Map: Second Language Acquisition Theory

1. Two separate processes coexist in the adult, it does not state how they are used in second language performance:

2. (1) Motivation: Performers with high motivation generally do better in second language acquisition. (2) Self-confidence: Performers with self-confidence and a good self-image tend to do better in second language acquisition. (3) Anxiety: Low anxiety appears to be conducive to second language acquisition, whether measured as personal or classroom anxiety.

3. The Input Hypothesis

3.1. attempts to answer what is perhaps the most important question in our field, and gives an answer that has a potential impact on all areas of language teaching:

3.2. runs counter to our usual pedagogical approach in second and foreign language teaching.

3.3. states that speaking fluency cannot be taught directly.

4. The Affective Filter Hypothesis

4.1. states how affective factors relate to the second language acquisition process.

4.2. Research over the last decade has confirmed that a variety of affective variables relate to success in second language acquisition. Most of those studied can be placed into one of these three categories:

5. The Monitor Hypothesis

5.1. This can happen before we speak or write, or after (self-correction).

6. The fourth hypothesis, the input hypothesis, may be the single most important concept in second language acquisition theory today.

6.1. Lectures

6.2. Exams

6.3. Exercises