Digital Communications Ideas

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Digital Communications Ideas by Mind Map: Digital Communications Ideas

1. Notes: Donald Trump was and still is a very successful businessman, while Hillary has a long career in politics, but both are pretty old. Prediction: The debate, or the long waste of time, will cause outrage and include plenty of nonsense, interrupting, and pointlessness.

2. DEBATE!!!!!!!

3. News story #1 summary and main points

3.1. Summary: A tennis pro by the name of Nick Krygios was suspended until 2017 and fined $36,500 for "not trying"  in a match. That can be reduced to 3 weeks if he sees a sports psychologist. On his Twitter account, he stated he will accept the ban and return in 2017. This isn't the first time something like this has happened with him, as he swore in the past, for example. (based on fact) Main points: A tennis pro was suspended until 2017 for "not trying".

3.2. DEBATE:

4. News Story #3: Main points: An innocent but mentally ill woman was shot by a NYPD cop. Summary: An innocent but mentally ill woman was shot by a NYPD cop. A crime commissioner said the NYPD took responsibility for it and said it shouldn't have happened and apparently the attorney general has yet to solve this case.

5. Wii will need to take full footage of the computers, then take a Q&A of students from classes that use these computers.

5.1. Then, take a survey of the teachers and principal(S) of their opinion about school technology

5.1.1. Next, ask the technician what daily problems do you face when working with technology.

6. Study and/or poll on the quality of school technology

7. We could interview students on their opinions of advisory and why they think it's a good program, if they do

7.1. How does it emotionally help you, if at all?