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1. Not only the accent could be prejudice, but also dialect could be prejudice too. Because it includes vocabulary you use and grammatical structures.

2. Is accent prejudice a problem?

3. your accent could limit your future opportunities. Your strong regional accent can affect your prospects in the world.

4. in 2014 ben paul company did and study about regional accents and it showed that the way people is being discriminated because of the way they speak. Also, the accent could affect how people perceive your intelligence, your honesty and others factors.

5. Another study or data that the video shows us is: Anderson RC showed that young female adults who exhibit vocal fry are perceive less competent, less educated, less trustworthy, less attractive and less hirable

6. Women who use this vocal fry should avoid it to maximize the labor market opportunities.

7. In 2013 the university of pennsylvania did and study in which the main objective was evaluated and analyze if urban people modify the way they speak depending on the amount of money the have to spend on their dress. And the conclusion was that people speak depending on their economic status. It they have money they are going to speak in a certain way.

8. What can we do about accent prejudice?

9. each mom tongue has their oun regional accents and sub-accents, so we have to understand it

10. accent is part of our identity.

11. You should change your accent in a prestige accent in specific situations as in an employment interview, oral or formal presentation and so on…

12. what's accent? is the way you pronounce in terms of language. it implies: the region you come from, Social class you belong to and your Etcnic background.

13. when you speak, you not only show these things, you also could show if the language you are speaking is your mom tongue

14. acccents change all the time.

15. Many people think that they do not have not accent, or the other people do not have.

16. but it is impossible to speak without having an accent.

17. What is accent prejudice? it is the judgement that people create or elavorate not based on facts but on opinions.   it is the same as criticizing the way others speak.

18. Eg: you sound like rich person, you sound stupid, you sound as poor person…

19. Where does accent prejudice come from? there is something called “the prestige accents”. it is consider the appropriate use of language or the use of standard language.

20. Eg: in America: GA ( general American ) in Arabic: MSA (modern standard Arabic) in England: RP (received pronunciation) in Italy: AFP (amendend Florentine pronunciation) and so on…

21. Hans Kloss (1966) says that accent prejudice comes from many different factors like: rich literary heritage, high degree of language modernization, considerable international standing and the prestige of its speakers.

22. in essence, the prestige of the accent does not come from the accent itself, it comes from people who speak that language. ++the prestige may or may not to be deserved.