Technology in the Constructivist Environment

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Technology in the Constructivist Environment by Mind Map: Technology in the Constructivist Environment

1. Constructivist Theory

1.1. Based on observation and scientific study

1.2. Constructivist teachers encourage students to constantly assess how the activity is helping them gain understanding

1.3. Constructivist teachers encourage students to constantly assess how the activity is helping them gain understanding

1.4. Constructivist teachers encourage students to constantly assess how the activity is helping them gain understanding

2. Overview of Constructivist Theory

2.1. People actively construct or create their own subjective representations of objective reality.

2.2. New information is linked to to prior knowledge, thus mental representations are subjective.

2.3. Constructivism as a paradigm or worldview posits that learning is an active, constructive process.

2.4. The learner is an information constructor.

3. The Constructivist Learning Process

3.1. Ask your students to explain his/her plan in the future, or their goals, or their conclusion in the certain topic you discuss in order for them to explain in a situation

3.2. Students create a product or exhibit for others to explain thinking or learning

3.3. Verbal presentation, creating a graph, role playing, creating a movie

3.4. what guiding questions will be used to introduced to engage students and allow learning to process?

3.5. Question

3.6. Bridge

3.7. Groupings

3.8. Students reflect on predictions made while explaining learning situation and others exhibits

3.9. Making list, class discussion to introduce a concept or topic

3.10. Continues active learning, promote exhibit, promote student reflection

3.11. Exhibit

3.12. Situation

3.13. what did students take away? what knowledge and skills were learned?

3.14. group students in teams of two, three, four, or more in order for them to be collaboratively learning

4. Collaborative Tools

4.1. Main types of collaborative Tools

4.1.1. Communication Communication collaboration tools allow to exchange information between individuals

4.1.2. Collaboration Collaboration tools allow groups to have real-time discussions and to shape an idea or thought together Collaboration tools supporting this are the ones who allow you to set up group activities, schedules and deliverables.

4.1.3. Coordination Also the idea of bringing people who are not working in a company on a regular basis into the organisation and make use of their knowledge. Trends in terms of collaboration target on helping to maintain the "main idea" within big organisations and make connections visible.

4.1.4. Classification of collaboration tools based on dimensions Asynchronous collaboration tools A collaboration tool is asynchronous when its users are collaborating at a different time Synchronous collaboration tools A collaboration tool is synchronous, when its users are collaborating at the same time Online collaboration tools Online collaboration tools are web-based applications that offer basic services such as instant messaging for groups, mechanisms for file sharing and collaborative search engines (CSE) to find information distributed within the system of the organization, community or team. Additionally, the functionality is sometimes further expanded by providing for example integrated online calendars, shared online-whiteboards to organize tasks and ideas or internet teleconferencing integrations. The variety of available online collaboration tools is overwhelming (see List of collaborative software). Their focus ranges from simple to complex, inexpensive to expensive, locally installed to remotely hosted and from commercial to open source.

5. Educational Technology

5.1. What is Ed Tech?

5.1.1. Definition Technology and Active Participatory Learning Not necessarily devices, also a process Educational Technology as processes and tools

5.1.2. Motivation Increased learner control Gaining attention Engagement through production work Because it solves a problem

5.1.3. Enhance Instruction Tracking learner progress Linking Learners to information Linking Learners to learning tools

5.1.4. Student & Teacher Productivity Saving time on production Grading and tracking students Providing faster access to information

5.1.5. Required skills in an information age Technology literacy Information literacy Visual literacy

5.2. Issues shaping technology use

5.2.1. Educational Standards movement Reliance on the Internet and distance education Debate over direct instruction vs. constructivist learning

5.2.2. Cultural Racial & gender equity Digital Divide

5.2.3. Legal/ethical Viruses/hacking/security plagiarism Privacy/safety Copyright Illegal downloading & piracy

5.3. Perspectives in Educational Technology

5.3.1. Media & AV Communication TV, projected images, bulletin boards learn about technology Technology Integration

5.3.2. Technology in Education Computer literacy

5.3.3. Computers and Computer Systems Evolved as computers did Initially very complex and done by programmers Becoming easier to do and taken on by mere mortals

5.3.4. Instructional Systems Combines the teacher and media into an educational system

5.4. What does all this mean?

5.4.1. Technology is a part of our world

5.4.2. It can be a part of our classrooms

5.4.3. We need to decide how it can be used

5.4.4. We need to decide when it can be used

6. Constructivism

6.1. Art

6.1.1. a style or movement in which assorted mechanical objects are combined into abstract mobile structural forms. The movement originated in Russia in the 1920s and has influenced many aspects of modern architecture and design.

6.2. Psychology

6.2.1. In psychology, constructivism refers to many schools of thought that, though extraordinarily different in their techniques (applied in fields such as education and psychotherapy), are all connected by a common critique of previous standard approaches, and by shared assumptions about the active constructive nature of human knowledge. In particular, the critique is aimed at the "associationist" postulate of empiricism, "by which the mind is conceived as a passive system that gathers its contents from its environment and, through the act of knowing, produces a copy of the order of reality.

6.3. Science

6.3.1. Science Education is now an established field within Education, and worldwide has its own journals, conferences, university departments and so forth.[2] Although a diverse field, a major influence on its development was research considered to be undertaken from a constructivist perspective on learning, and supporting approaches to teaching that themselves became labelled constructivist.

6.4. Mathematics

6.4.1. a view which admits as valid only constructive proofs and entities demonstrable by them, implying that the latter have no independent existence.