Transformation: Marco Mazzoni

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Transformation: Marco Mazzoni by Mind Map: Transformation: Marco Mazzoni

1. Wildlife

1.1. Birds

1.1.1. Peacock

1.1.2. Owl

1.2. Tiger

1.3. Fox

1.4. Wolf

1.5. Ape

1.6. Butterflies

1.7. Bees

2. Portrait

2.1. Girl

2.1.1. Posed In Style Of Marco Mazzoni

2.2. Transformation

2.2.1. Human/animal

2.2.2. Old/Young

2.2.3. Natural/Makeup

2.2.4. Black & White/ Colour

2.2.5. Human/Nature

3. Nature

3.1. Flowers

3.1.1. Roses

3.1.2. Calalily

3.1.3. Hydrangea

3.1.4. Jasmine

3.1.5. Lily

3.1.6. Tulip

3.1.7. Voilets

3.2. Leaves

3.2.1. Palm

3.2.2. Oval Shaped

3.2.3. Fern Leaf