1. Science
1.1. StudyBlue
1.1.1. This app lets teachers create flashcards to share with students. Kids can set a reminder on their device to help them develop a study routine. StudyBlue also gives kids a chance to make their own flashcards that include audio, images and equations. Description From http://www.edutopia.org/blog/10-flaschard-apps-mobile-devices-monica-burns App Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.studyblue&hl=en
1.2. Kaizena
1.2.1. Talk to your students about their work. Track progress by viewing and comparing your feedback history with a student, over multiple assignments. Get notified when students respond to your comments, and keep the feedback loop going. Description From https://kaizena.com/ App Link https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kaizena-fast-personal-feedback/id1025198506?mt=8
2. Mathematics
2.1. gFlash+
2.1.1. With lots of different ways to study, gFlash+ gives kids a chance to try out a couple of ways to review content. Users can create and edit cards from within the app, and gFlash+ makes it simple to purchase pre-made decks of flashcards for a variety of subject areas. Description From http://www.edutopia.org/blog/10-flaschard-apps-mobile-devices-monica-burns App Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gwhizmobile.gflashplus&hl=en
2.2. Socrative
2.2.1. Socrative is your classroom app for fun, effective classroom engagement. No matter where or how you teach, Socrative allows you to instantly connect with students as learning happens. Quickly assess students with prepared activities or on-the-fly questions to get immediate insight into student understanding. Then use auto-populated results to determine the best instructional approach to most effectively drive learning. Description From http://socrative.com/ App Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.socrative.teacher&hl=en
3. Fine Arts
3.1. Andromedia Video Editor
3.1.1. Students can edit video saved to their device with Andromedia Video Editor. This app lets them organize clips, crop video and even apply the "Ken Burns" filming technique to still images and videos. Users can add transitions to each clip, edit audio, and record a narration using the microphone on the device. After rendering their video, students can share it on multiple platforms. Description from http://www.edutopia.org/blog/apps-making-movies-mobile-devices-monica-burns App Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.catflow.andromedia&hl=en
3.2. Canva
3.2.1. Easily design beautiful, professional graphics. Canva gives you all the tools you need to design. Choose from hundreds of professionally designed layouts or create your own designs from scratch. Description from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/canva/mbcfmcoibkecmionmehabndbljdleekf?hl=en-US App Link https://itunes.apple.com/app/id897446215
4. Practical Arts
4.1. Savings Spree
4.1.1. According to Forbes, this financial literacy game won the Parents’ Choice Gold Award for teaching children about how daily spending decisions can add up to significant costs or savings over time. The app enables kids to set budget and savings goals, and teaches them about the importance of spending money on high net-gain purchases. Description From http://www.teachthought.com/the-future-of-learning/technology/7-financial-literacy-apps-students/ App Link https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/savings-spree/id430150476?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D8
4.2. Mint: Personal Finance & Money
4.2.1. From Intuit, the makers of TurboTax, QuickBooks, Mint Bills, and Quicken: the free Mint app helps you spend smarter and save more. Easily pull all your accounts, cards and investments into one place so you can track your spending, create a budget, receive bill reminders, and get customized tips for reducing fees and saving money. You can also check your credit score for free while learning how you can improve it. Description From https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mint&hl=en App Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mint&hl=en
5. Electives
5.1. Google Drive
5.1.1. Get access to files anywhere through secure cloud storage and file backup for your photos, videos, files and more with Google Drive. Description From https://www.google.com/drive/ App Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.docs&hl=en
5.2. Dropbox
5.2.1. Dropbox simplifies the way you create, share and collaborate. Bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and keep your files safe. Description From https://www.dropbox.com/ App Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dropbox.android&hl=en
6. Social Science
6.1. Prezi
6.1.1. Another free presentation tool that I love is Prezi. This app uses a single canvas instead of swipeable slides. All of the information for your presentation goes on one page. You create pathways around your canvas so that your text, pictures, and video clips appear in the order that you decide. The Prezi iPad app allows users to access presentations that they've created on the Prezi website, or you can create your own using just the app. It's is a great way to change your usual routine, and it's not hard to learn. There are lots of pre-made presentations to use as inspiration or to modify for your classroom. My favorite part of Prezi is the way it wows a crowd. Description From http://www.edutopia.org/blog/engaging-presentations-free-ipad-apps-monica-burns App Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.prezi.android&hl=en
6.2. Evernote
6.2.1. Evernote is a multiplatform app, but you cannot edit simultaneously. It's compatible with the Livescribe Smartpen, which uses a tiny camera to scan every word written on Livescribe paper. Pencasts made with Livescribe are a fantastic flipped classroom tool. Description From http://www.edutopia.org/blog/20-awesome-byod-mobile-apps-vicki-davis App Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.evernote&hl=en
7. English
7.1. Haiku Deck
7.1.1. Haiku Deck is perfect for the classroom and extremely student friendly. This app was originally designed to create slides with a photo background and a small amount of text (in the spirit of haiku, the minimal Japanese poetry form). The current version gives options for bulleted lists and more text. This app provides a gallery of images to choose from, and uses words on your slide to help you find the ideal background. However, you also have the option of uploading your own photos. I've used Haiku Deck to share teaching points, give short writing prompts, and just switch it up from my usual presentation style by focusing on images as opposed to text. It doesn't take long to build a presentation, and students can use it to create their own, too. Description From http://www.edutopia.org/blog/engaging-presentations-free-ipad-apps-monica-burns App Link https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/haiku-deck-presentation-slideshow/id536328724?mt=8
7.2. Adobe Slate
7.2.1. This publishing tool is perfect for creative writers. Students can add text and images to a variety of templates to customize the look of their final piece. It provides options for different looks that are great for connecting to the theme of a piece of writing. The final product is high quality and professional, yet accessible to students young and old. Description From http://www.edutopia.org/blog/ipad-apps-for-creative-writing-monica-burns App Link https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/adobe-spark-page-create-stunning/id968433730?mt=8
8. Physical Education
8.1. Calorie Counter - Macros
8.1.1. No matter what diet regimen you are following, counting macros will take you to the next level. Keeping track of protein, carbohydrates and fat will help you put together a balanced and effective meal plan that will help you reach your goals and get the physique you desire. Description From https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dk.jpro.macros&hl=en App Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dk.jpro.macros&hl=en
8.2. FitNotes - Gym Workout Log
8.2.1. Workout Log - View and navigate daily workout logs quickly by swiping between them - Navigate to a specific day using the inbuilt calendar - Add an exercise to the workout log and record sets of weight and reps or distance and time - Swipe across when recording sets to view your workout history with the exercise - Attach comments/notes to sets - Rest timer with sound and vibration options - Re-order exercises you've added to a workout log (long press an exercise card to initiate 'edit mode' and then press and drag the blue drag icon at the top right of the card)
8.2.2. Exercise Database - Includes a default selection of categories (Chest, Back, Legs, etc) - Each category contains a small default list of exercises - Create custom categories to better suit your training program - e.g. Olympic Lifts, Plyometrics, Ab Training, etc - Add new exercises quickly using 'Save and New' feature - Two exercise types: Resistance and Cardio - Resistance - record training in weight and reps - Cardio - record training in distance and time
8.2.3. Routines - Create a routine to provide quick access to your most commonly used exercises - Assign exercises to a particular day within the routine - Name a day whatever you want (Monday, Chest Day, Workout A, etc) - Select a single exercise from a day within the routine to add it to the training log or hit 'Log All' to add an empty set for each exercise which can then be filled in later - Create as many routines as you want and switch between them using dropdown list - Remembers which routine you selected last
8.2.4. Calendar - Dates on which you have recorded training logs are highlighted - Tap a day in the calendar to display a popup listing the exercises performed on that day - Navigate to a specific day's training log by selecting it in the calendar and hitting 'Go!' - Filter which days are highlighted in the calendar - e.g. Highlight days where I did bench press and lifted more than 80kg for at least 5 reps Highlight days where I ran outdoors and travelled more than 3 miles in less than 20 minutes Description From https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.jamesgay.fitnotes&hl=en App Link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.jamesgay.fitnotes&hl=en