Identity and youth culture

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Identity and youth culture by Mind Map: Identity and youth culture

1. Source 1 - What is youth culture

1.1. Started in the 1950's

1.2. Youth want to be visible in society

1.3. Started drinking, smoking and having sex

1.4. Zest for life

1.5. Counterculture appeared

2. Source 2 - E-mail from a rebel

2.1. Copenhagen

2.2. Demonstration for the youth house

2.3. Serveral hundre were arrested

2.4. Mob mentality people

3. Source 3 - Reality check, Exposure

3.1. What is reality and what is not

3.2. X factor, Britains got talent, Big Brother, The Hills, American idol, I'm a celebrity

3.3. Why do we see reality programs

4. Source 4 - Tearful potesters fail to save historic centre

4.1. Youth house demolished

4.2. Bought by Faderhuset

4.3. Left winged historic house

5. Source 5 - Youth culture report 2015

5.1. Statistics

5.2. What we use the internet to

5.3. What we do in the social medias

6. Source 6 - Can we autocorrect humanity

6.1. A message

6.2. Put your phone away

7. Source 7  - Youth and gangs

7.1. Young people getting into gangs

7.2. How they got out of it again

7.3. Why they did it

7.4. Experts

8. Source 8 - American History X

8.1. Movie about identity

8.2. Nazism in the US

8.3. Get influence from the family and the society