Multimodal Approaches to Literacy
by Celia Magana
1. Written
1.1. Part of the Modes of meaning. Communicating in writing in forms that can be found by others as a message prompt. Reading, which represents meaning to oneself as it is interpreted.
2. Visual
2.1. Making still or moving images; being able to see images, vistas, scenes. How one interprets an image can vary from person to person.
3. Spacial
3.1. How one sees them self in relation to others. Creating spaces and ways of moving around in space.
4. Tactile
4.1. Making experiences and things whose effects can be felt as touch, smell, taste, and the re-representation to oneself in the form of the meanings one gives to bodily sensations like feelings of touching and being touched.
5. Gestural
5.1. Communication using movements of the body such as the hands and arms, facial expressions, eye movements and gazes, demeanour, gait, clothing and fashion, overall appearance.
6. Audio
6.1. Communications using music, ambient sounds, noises, alerts. Hearing and listening to something encountered.
7. Oral
7.1. Communication in the form of live or recorded speech; and listening. Re-representing oral meanings one encounters to oneself, talking to oneself or rehearsing what you will say.