SubmitAP(onject[] ProcessArgumentArray,long Priority)

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SubmitAP(onject[] ProcessArgumentArray,long Priority) by Mind Map: SubmitAP(onject[] ProcessArgumentArray,long Priority)

1. ApplyVoucherToPayments(string strGPVoucherIDs, string strGPPaymentIDs, string strDelimiter)  This method is in GPVoucher.cs              The operation called here is 'APApplyPaymentsToVouchers'

1.1. ApplyVoucherToPayments(string strGPVoucherIDs, string strGPPaymentIDs)   This method is in GPVoucher.cs

1.1.1. IssueProviderRefund(int SalvageID, int UserID, string TicketNumber, string RefundDetailsXML, int ImmediateCheckInd, string CheckPrinterPath)                                                This method is in ProviderPayment.cs

1.1.2. ConfirmBidFastImmediatePayment(string strGPPaymentID, long lngVendorTypeID, long lngVendorID)                                                       This method is in Dispenser.cs SpecialPACheckPrintStatus(int lngSettlementTransactionID, int lngAdminBranchNumber, string  strGPPaymentID, bool bOK, int lngUserID)        This method is in SalvageSettlement.cs ImmediateCheckOK(string Salvage_ID, object LocalBranchNumber, string User_ID, object ACT)    This method is in StockFile.cs ImmediateCheckNotOK(string Salvage_ID, object LocalBranchNumber, string User_ID)  This method is in StockFile.cs Page16002()                                                        This method is in Processing.cs

1.1.3. ConfirmSettlementCheck(long lngSettlementUnitID, long lngUserID)                 This method is in Dispenser.cs

1.2. ConfirmAffiliateSettlementCheck(string strGPVoucherID, string strGPPaymentID, int lngSettlement_Unit_ID, int lngAffiliateObjectTypeID, int lngBranch_No, int lngUserID, int lngAffiliateID)                               This method is in AAffiliatePayment.cs

1.2.1. RequestAffiliateSettlementCheck(int lngAffiliateSettlementUnitID, int lngAffiliateID, double Amount, int lngTransactionBranchID, string strGPVoucherID, int lngUserID, string strCheckPrinterPath, ref string strReferenceText)   This method is in AAffiliatePayment.cs

1.3. IssueImmediateCheck(int SalvageExpenseVoucherID, int SalvageID, int LocalBranchNumber, int UpdateUserID, string PrinterName)                                                       This method is in AffiliateSettlement.cs

1.3.1. IssueImmediateCheck_VB(object SalvageExpenseVoucherID, object SalvageID, object LocalBranchNumber, object UpdateUserID, object PrinterName)                 This method is in AffiliateSettlement.cs IssueImmediateCheck_JS(string SalvageExpenseVoucherID, string SalvageID, string LocalBranchNumber, string UpdateUserID, string PrinterName)                This method is in AffiliateSettlement.cs

1.4. ConfirmVendorPayment(int branchNumber, int vendorPaymentID, string paymentID)                 This method is in Dispenser.cs

1.4.1. RequestVendorCheck(int branchNumber, int vendorPaymentID, int updateUserID, string checkPrinterPath)                                            This method is in VendorPayment.cs VendorPaymentVoucherInsertWithAmountPrintCheck(int branchNumber, string voucherID, string paymentType, int appFlag, int userID, double amount, string printerPath)          This method is in VendorPayment.cs VendorPaymentVoucherInsertWithAmountPrintCheck(string branchNumber, string voucherID,            string paymentType, bool appFlag, string userID, string amount, string printerPath)                                           This method is in VendorPayment.cs VendorPaymentVoucherInsertPrintCheck(int branchNumber, string voucherID, string paymentType, int appFlag, int userID, string printerPath, string branches)                          This method is in VendorPayment.cs VendorPaymentVoucherInsertPrintCheck(int branchNumber, string voucherID, string paymentType, int appFlag, int userID, string printerPath)                                                     This method is in VendorPayment.cs VendorPaymentVoucherApprovePrintCheck(int branchNumber, string voucherIDs, int userID, string printerPath)                                               This method is in VendorPayment.cs VendorPaymentVoucherApprovePrintCheck(string branchNumber, string voucherIDs, string userID,string printerPath)                                         This method is in VendorPayment.cs

1.5. ClosePrepayments(GPVoucher objGpVoucher, Voucher objVoucher)                                       This method is in Dispenser.cs

1.5.1. IssueVoucher(string strXML, Voucher objVoucher)                                        This method is in Dispenser.cs

1.5.2. IssueVoucherNew(long lngVendorTypeID, long lngVendorID, string strReferenceText, string strSourceCode, long lngLocalBranchNumber, ref DataTable dtExpenseInfo, ref string[] arrPrepaymentInfo)                                          This method is in Dispenser.cs ConfirmDMVPayment(long BranchNumber, long BundleNumber)                                                     This method is in Dispenser.cs ConfirmDMVCheck(int lngBranchNumber, int lngBundleNumber, int lngUpdateUserID)             This method is in TitleTransfer.cs IssueVoucher(long lngVendorTypeID, long lngVendorID, string strReferenceText, string dtVoucherDate, object arrAfterXML, long lngLocalBranchNumber, string strSourceCode, long lngUpdateUserID, string strComingFrom, long lngSalvageID, string strTowerTypeCode)  This method is in VendorPayment.cs IssueExpenseVoucher_VB(object strVendorID, object strVendorTypeID, object strReferenceText, object strVoucherDate, object strExpenseXML, object strLocalBranch, object strSourceCode, object lngUpdateUserID, object strComingFrom, object strSalvageID, object strTowerTypeCode)                                         This method is in AffiliateSettlement.cs InsertServiceFee(int SalvageID, int BranchNumber)                                                   This method is in VehicleSale.cs ProcessData_17010()                                              This method is in ExpPaymentSummary.cs ProcessData_17020()                                                 This method is in ExpPaymentSummary.cs ProcessData_17010()                                                This method is in VendorPaymentSummary.cs ProcessData_17020()                                            This method is in VendorPaymentSummary.cs

2. SubmitAp(object[] ProcessArgumentArray)

2.1. UpdateAccounting()                                                This method is in GPPayment.cs                            Depending on the conditions the operations called here are  'APCreateCheckRequest',  'APCreateManualCheck',  'APAchPayment', 'APCreateCheckRequest'

2.1.1. Refund()                                                                   This method is in GPPayments.cs

2.1.2. Void()                                                                          This method is in GPPayments.cs VoidAdvancePayment(long lngPaymentID)                   This method is in Dispenser.cs VoidVendorPayment(long lngPaymentID)                This method is in Dispenser.cs VoidBidFastImmediatePayment(string strGPPaymentID, long lngVendorTypeID, long lngVendorID)                                                            This method is in Dispenser.cs VoidDMVPayment(long lngBranchNumber, long lngBundleNumber)                                         This method is in Dispenser.cs UnwrittenManualCheck(string checkNumber, int transactionBranchNumber, DateTime transactionDate, long updateUserID, string referenceText)                                                            This method is in VendorPayment.cs VoidSettlement(int lngSettlementUnit_ID, int lngSalvageSettlement_ID, int lngUser_ID)                 This method is in ProcessStatus.cs

2.1.3. CreateManualCheck()                                                        This method is in GPPayments.cs RequestGPManualCheck(string strTransType, long lngInitiatingObjectID, long lngInitiatingObjectTypeID, long VendorID, long VendorTypeID, double Amount, string strCheckNumber, string strReferenceText)                This method is in Dispenser.cs UnwrittenManualCheck(string checkNumber, int transactionBranchNumber, DateTime transactionDate, long updateUserID, string referenceText)                                                          This method is in VendorPayment.cs

2.1.4. CreateElectronicPayment()                                                      This method is in GPPayments.cs

2.1.5. CreateImmediateCheck()                                             This method is in GPPayments.cs RequestGPImmediateCheck(string strTransType, long lngInitiatingObjectID, long lngInitiatingObjectTypeID, long VendorID, long VendorTypeID, double Amount, string strReferenceText, string strCheckPrinterPath)                                                 Thsi method is in Dispense.cs RequestAffiliateImmediateCheck(int lngInitiatingObjectID, int lngInitiatingObjectTypeID, int VendorID, int VendorTypeID, double Amount, int lngTransactionBranchID, int lngUserID, string strReferenceText, string strCheckPrinterPath)                 This method is in AffiliatePayment.cs

2.2. AddAPMemo(string strTransactionType, string strMemoType, double dblMemoAmount, double dblTaxAmount)                                        This method is in GPSaleReceipt.cs                            Depending on the conditions the operations called here are   'APCreateCreditMemo',  'APCreateDebitMemo'

2.2.1. CreateAPMemo(ASAP.CommonObjects.Constants.ACCOUNT_CONTEXT intAccountContextID, int intChargeContextID, int lngASAPObjectTypeID, int lngASAPObjectID, int lngTransactionBranchNumber, string strMemoType, double          dblMemoAmount, double dblTaxAmount, string strReferenceText, int lngUserID, ref string strGPTransType, ref string strGPMemoID)                                                                                               This method is in clsMemoTx.cs CreateAPMemosProviderInvoices(int lngASAPObjectTypeID, int lngASAPObjectID, string strVoucherID, int lngTransactionBranchNumber, double dblInvoiceCreditAmount, double dblInvoiceCreditTaxAmount, string strNotes, int lngUserID)                                                          This method is in clsMemoTx.cs

2.3. IssueVoucherByVoucherID(long SalvageExpenseVoucherID)                                    This method is in GPVouchers.cs                              The operation called over here is  'APCreateVoucher'

2.3.1. IssueVoucher(GPDistributions objGPDistributions)                                                    This method is in GPVoucher.cs IssueVoucher(string strXML, Voucher objVoucher)                                                              This method is in Dispenser.cs IssueVoucherNew(long lngVendorTypeID, long lngVendorID, string strReferenceText, string strSourceCode, long lngLocalBranchNumber, ref DataTable dtExpenseInfo, ref string[] arrPrepaymentInfo)                                                   This method is in Dispenser.cs

2.4. VoidVoucher(string strGPVoucherID)                      This method is in GPVouchers.cs                        The operation called over here is 'APVoidVoucher'

2.4.1. VoidVoucherNew(long lngVchrID, bool bVoucherOnly)                                                        This method is in Dispenser.cs VoidVouchers(string strCSV, string delimiter)              This method is in Dispenser.cs

2.4.2. VoidVoucherNew(long lngVchrID)                              This method is in Dispenser.cs VoidVoucher(long lngVchrID)                                  This method is in Dispenser.cs

2.4.3. VoidVoucher(long lngVchrID, bool bVoucherOnly)                                    This method is in Dispenser.cs

2.4.4. ReverseVoucher(int lngAffiliateSettlementUnit_ID, int lngUser_ID, double dblAmount, int lngAffiliate_ID, int lngTransactionBranch, string strGPVoucher_ID)                                                                                 This method is in AffiliatePayment.cs VoidSettlement(int lngSettlementUnit_ID, int lngUser_ID)                                                               This method is in GPVoucher.cs

2.4.5. ReverseVoucher(int lngSettlementUnit_ID, int lngUser_ID, double dblAmount, int lngSalvageProvider_ID, int lngTransactionBranch, string strGPVoucher_ID)                    This method is in ProcessStatus.cs RunAutoVoidSettlement(int lngSalvageSettlement_ID, int lngUser_ID)                   This method is in ProcessStatus.cs VoidSettlement(int lngSettlementUnit_ID, int lngSalvageSettlement_ID, int lngUser_ID)                 This method is in ProcessStatus.cs

2.5. IssueSettlementVoucher(double dblVehicleSaleAmt, double dblVoucherAmt,    string strTrxType, string strReference)                   This method is in GPVouchers.cs                  The operation called over here is  'APCreateVoucher'

2.5.1. IssueSettlementVoucher(int lngASAPObjectTypeID, int lngASAPObjectID, int lngTransactionBranchNumber, double dblVouchertAmount, double dblVoucherTaxAmount, string strNotes)                  This method is in clsMemoTx.cs

2.5.2. IssueSettlementVoucher(double dblVehicleSaleAmt, double dblVoucherAmt,                            string strTrxType)                                                                                                         This method is in GPVoucher.cs IssueVoucher(long lngAffiliateSettlementID, string strSettlementType, Voucher objVchr, double currSaleAmount)                                         This method is in Dispenser.cs IssueProviderRefund(int SalvageID, int UserID, string TicketNumber, string RefundDetailsXML, int ImmediateCheckInd, string CheckPrinterPath)                                                   This method is in ProviderPayment.cs

2.5.3. ConfirmBidFastImmediatePayment(string strGPPaymentID, long lngVendorTypeID, long lngVendorID)                                                              This method is in Dispenser.cs SpecialPACheckPrintStatus(int lngSettlementTransactionID, int lngAdminBranchNumber, string strGPPaymentID, bool bOK, int lngUserID)                This method is in SalvageSettlement.cs

2.5.4. IssueVoucher(int lngSettlement_Unit_ID, int lngAffiliate_ID, int lngUser_ID, double dblAmount, double dblVehicleSaleAmount, int lngTransactionBranch)                                              This method is in AffiliatePayment.cs

2.5.5. IssueVoucher(bool blnBidFast, int lngSettlement_Unit_ID, int lngSalvage_ID, int lngUser_ID, double dblAmount, double dblVehicleSaleAmount, int lngSalvageProvider_ID, int lngTransactionBranch, string lngStockNumber, string strClaim_Number, int lngOptionType_ID, int lngIsEDI)                              This method is in ProcessStatus.cs BookSettlementUnit(int lngTransaction_ID, int lngAdminBranchID, int lngUser_ID, bool blnBidFast)                                                                This method is in ProcesStatus

3. ApplyCreditMemoToVoucher(string strGPCreditMemoID, string strGPVoucherID)                                This method is in GPSalereceipt.cs        The operation called here is  'APApplyCreditMemoToVoucher'

3.1. ApplyAPMemo(int lngPaymentPostingDetailID, int lngASAPObjectTypeID, int lngASAPObjectID, string strMemoType, string strMemoID, string strApplyDocID, int lngUserID)                             This method is in clsMemoTx.cs

3.1.1. CreateAPMemosProviderInvoices(int lngASAPObjectTypeID, int lngASAPObjectID, string strVoucherID, int lngTransactionBranchNumber, double dblInvoiceCreditAmount, double dblInvoiceCreditTaxAmount, string strNotes, int lngUserID)                                                              This method is in clsMemoTx.cs