Virtual Reality

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Virtual Reality by Mind Map: Virtual Reality

1. Future

1.1. More Physical

1.2. Effort in Industry

1.3. Price comes down

1.3.1. affordable components

1.3.2. smaller and more accessible products

2. Concern & Challenges

2.1. Health Issues

2.1.1. Physically Motion Sickness Symptoms

2.1.2. Mentally Addictions Real-world emigration

2.2. Safety Issues

2.3. Price

3. Latest devices

3.1. QuadHD StarVR

3.2. Oculus Rift

3.3. SteamVR

3.4. Project Morpheus

3.5. Samsung Gear VR

3.6. VR One

3.7. Google Cardboard

4. Introduction

4.1. Development

4.1.1. kicking into high gear

4.1.2. new interaction methods various means

4.1.3. greatest strengths not constrained by traditional limits

4.1.4. potential side-effects

4.2. History

5. Advantages

5.1. Innovative and enjoyable: turning watching a screen into living a experience

5.1.1. Allow the sports game audience become part of the competition

5.1.2. Fantastic computer-gaming experience

5.2. Immediate engagement: useful in today's world of limited attention spans

5.3. Attractive and effective: Suitable for different learning  and training styles

5.4. Safe

5.4.1. To the patients, doctors and nurses

5.4.2. Provides a safe environment in which to gain advanced skills

5.4.3. Test company's dangerous products without risk before use

5.5. Help with data analysis and forecasting trends

6. Application

6.1. Entertainment

6.1.1. gaming, visiting various places

6.2. Health Care

6.2.1. Deep Therapy

6.3. Business

6.3.1. virtual worlds of business

6.4. Education & Training

6.5. Sport

6.6. Engineering