Innovation Focus: Communication & Collaboration

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Innovation Focus: Communication & Collaboration by Mind Map: Innovation Focus: Communication & Collaboration

1. Kindergarten Urac/

1.1. Who Am I becoming as an active learner?

1.2. Project 1

1.2.1. Criteria

2. Grade 2

2.1. How can I make my community a better place for myself and others?

2.2. Audio/Video Books

2.2.1. Criteria

3. Grade 4 Front/Rigby

3.1. What lessons can we learn from our past that will sustain our future?

3.2. Project 1

3.2.1. Criteria

4. Grade 1

4.1. How can I be responsible and helpful?

4.2. Project 1

4.2.1. Criteria

5. Grade 3

5.1. How can we be good Stewards of the Earth?

5.2. Community Garden

5.2.1. Criteria

6. Grade 5

6.1. How can we as Canadian citizens bring about positive changes in our society through our actions?

6.2. Project 1

6.2.1. Criteria