Media Convergence vs  Participatory Culture

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Media Convergence vs  Participatory Culture by Mind Map: Media Convergence vs  Participatory Culture

1. Distribution

1.1. networks

1.1.1. word of mouth

1.1.2. social media

1.1.3. internet online articles

1.2. Printed media

1.2.1. newspapers

1.2.2. magazines

2. Information

2.1. internet

2.1.1. data collection

2.1.2. search engines

2.1.3. public websites

2.2. news

2.2.1. media outlets

2.2.2. newspapers

2.2.3. online articles

3. Technology

3.1. social media

3.1.1. politics news

3.1.2. entertainment videos, photos, statuses

3.1.3. Remix Culture memes

4. Communication

4.1. participation

4.1.1. Peripheral Participation

4.1.2. active participation

4.1.3. producing content

4.2. Staying connected

4.2.1. messaging friends/family

4.2.2. posts

4.2.3. tagging