Maria Lopez

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Maria Lopez by Mind Map: Maria Lopez

1. Family time

2. Higher personality spectrum

2.1. Over thinker

2.2. Responsible

2.3. Caring

3. Prefered teaching style

3.1. Visual

3.2. Talk through every step

3.3. Discussion

4. Preferred study style

4.1. Taking notes

4.2. Reading

4.3. Evening studies

4.4. With snacks

5. O*net results

5.1. Realistic 2

5.2. Investigative 2

5.3. Artistic 12

5.4. Social 12

5.5. Enterprising 21

5.6. Conventional 8

6. Results from Multiple Entilligence

6.1. Moderately developed (14-19)

6.1.1. Bodily-Kinesrthetic = 17

6.1.2. Visual spatial = 14

6.1.3. Musical =17

6.1.4. Intrapersonal = 18

6.2. Underdeveloped (below 14)

6.2.1. Verbal linguistics =10

6.2.2. Logical mathematical= 10

6.2.3. Intrapersonal= 13

6.2.4. Naturalistic= 11

6.3. Highly developed (20-24)

7. Successful intelligence

7.1. Getting homework turned in

7.2. Paying bills off

7.3. Get my degree

8. Working alone

9. Interest

9.1. Shopping

9.2. Cooking

9.3. Boyfriend time

10. Lower personality spectrum

10.1. Inattentive

10.2. Lazy

10.3. Shy

11. Environmental preference

11.1. Bright light

11.2. Cool temp

11.3. Stressed

11.4. Quiet place

12. Psychological preference

12.1. Late morning

12.2. Motivation

13. Emotional intelligence

13.1. Need more patiencce

13.2. Focus on myself