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Matthew by Mind Map: Matthew

1. Career Interest

1.1. Business, Management, and Administration

1.2. Education/Training

1.3. Health Science

1.4. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

1.5. Human Services

1.6. Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security

2. Emotional Intelligence

2.1. High EQ

2.2. High performance under pressure

2.3. Need to take time to remember what brings me joy and meaning in life

3. Successful Intelligence

3.1. Analytical- 42

3.2. Creative-33

3.3. Practical- 44

4. Multiple Pathways to Learning

4.1. Highest

4.1.1. Interpersonal- 23

4.1.2. Logical/mathmatical- 22

4.1.3. Intrapersonal- 21

4.2. Lowest

4.2.1. Naturalistic- 11

4.2.2. Bodily-Kinesthetic-19

4.2.3. Visual-19

5. Personality Spectrum

5.1. Higher

5.1.1. Giver- 29

5.1.2. Thinker- 21

5.2. Lower

5.2.1. Organizer-20

5.2.2. Adventurer- 10

6. BE Learning Styles

6.1. Emotional Preferences

6.1.1. Internally motivated

6.1.2. More efficient with one task at a time

6.1.3. Tend to adapt toward my surroundings without giving up my values

6.1.4. Tend to be structured

6.2. Psychological Preferences

6.2.1. Lean toward analytical

6.2.2. Tend to be reflective in my actions

7. Preferred Learning Strategies

7.1. Study and work in a group

7.2. Teach the material to others

7.3. Organize material logically

7.4. Find patterns and develop systems

8. Preferred Teaching Styles

8.1. Lecture with class discussion

8.2. Lecture with class broken into groups to discuss material

8.3. Hands on presentation

9. Interest

9.1. Hanging out with friends

9.2. Studying the Bible

9.3. Outdoor activities-hiking, biking, fishing, kayaking, sports, camping

9.4. Traveling

9.5. Spending time with my family

9.6. Cook

9.7. Learn and study

9.8. Reading

10. Values

10.1. God comes first in everything

10.2. Development

10.3. Relationships with family and friends

10.4. Integrity

10.5. Honest/trustworthy

10.6. Caring

10.7. Loyalty

10.8. Helpful and friendly

10.9. Courteous

10.10. Kindness

10.11. Learning

10.12. Individualization

10.13. Achieving

10.14. Individualization

10.15. Restorative

10.16. Cleanliness

10.17. Courageous

10.18. Faithful