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My PLN by Mind Map: My PLN

1. Inspiration

1.1. CUE

1.2. COABE

1.3. ACSA

1.4. ISTE

1.5. TedTalks

1.6. OTAN Tech & Distance Learning Symposium

1.7. Lead 3.0

2. Integration

2.1. Conference attendance and networking to learn from others and bring back to your PLN

2.2. Conducting PD to help others learn new skills

2.3. Go to conferences to learn, present at conferences to share

3. Aggregation

3.1. Twitter for trends

3.2. YouTube

3.3. Google Trends

3.4. Listserves from Professional EdTech groups

3.5. FaceBook for adult school sharing

4. Goals

4.1. Follow edtech trends to stay current

4.2. Provide effective PD to adult ed teachers

4.3. Stay enthusiastic about changing technology

4.4. Use PD to build personal skills

4.5. Be sensitive and listen to others