How can OC improve on student services.

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How can OC improve on student services. by Mind Map: How can OC improve on student services.

1. revise the registration process

1.1. strength

1.1.1. low enrollment classes are known prior to the week before the quarter starts

1.1.2. classes remain full consistantly

1.2. weakness

1.2.1. it will cost money to hire someone to redevelop a new program and/or process.

1.2.2. it will take many hours to reconstruct a new process.

1.3. opportunity

1.3.1. it will create more jobs

1.3.2. it may increase or enrollment and provide real data as to which classes are most needed

1.4. threats

1.4.1. people in general resist change

1.4.2. students may resist the change process